Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Party 2, and SCARY weird

Yes, this title makes sense...NOT.

Saturday an old friend of mine, Susanne whom I've known since I was 10, came to visit. First we went into town to go shopping for shoes (unfortunately just for her, as I'm still on the verge of bankrupty:(...). Then we went home, had a chippie, watched a movie while drinking some Martini's and got ready to go PARTY! We went into town and had a great time. The aim was really to spend little money (i.e. let other people pay for our drinks, hehe!), but we didn't quite manage to do that. Neither of us is single, so we didn't want to flirt too blatently;). Didn't spend that much money all the same, as I was already quite tipsy from all the Martini's we'd had at home! Went to Sally 'O Briens (my favourite pub, an Irish one) and to De Kar (the kart...uhm don't ask me why it's called that). Danced a lot and enjoyed ourselves! Even ran into another friend from secondary school whom I hadn't seen for years. Went home with the last bus at 3.45am (really quite early for Dutch standards). That was my last night out in Groningen, at least before I move to Glasgow! Strange.

Today I am handing in the paper version of my dissertation. So weird to see a 60p "book"from your own hand! Good feeling though. Read through it again, and am really quite chuffed with it. But I think I can do (even) better next time round.

Today is also my very last day at Ineke's. Very strange, as I've been working there ever since 1st year. She has started to annoy me recently though. Don't get me wrong: I love her to bits, but it's just been enough for me. I have enjoyed taking care of her these three years, but I couldn't do it much longer. It's quite strenuous, as she is not very strong emotionally and I always have to listen to her stories and her nags. I know she needs that, and I have enjoyed being part of her support system, but I could not do it for the rest of my life. Of course I'll stay in touch though! We've become kind of friends over the years. I think everyone should have a caring job for a certain amount of time, just to see what it's like and to see how much you can do for someone else. I mean Ineke would be nowhere if it wasn't for the help she gets every day. It taught me also how lucky I am to be fit, both physically and mentally. How lucky I am that I don't need other people to help me every single day. I hope she won't cry when I say goodbye, but she probably will. Hard.

So this is my last working day. Last paperwork at uni, last working day at Ineke's. Tomorrow I'm off to see Dee in Almelo. She moves to Liverpool on Friday! Then I go visit my parents, as it's my mum's birthday on Thurday. And then I go to Denmark to see Derek, for a whopping two weeks! So looking forward to that! After that it's back home to my parents for 2 days and then off to my beloved Glasgow! YEAH! Probably typed this story here about 500X, but it is just so gooooood.

Anyway. Off to sort out the last paperwork now!


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