Thursday, September 02, 2004

Saying goodbye

Dear all,

Gosh, this thing really is getting out of hand... but I'll just keep on posting! Can't help it; I'm an addict!

I am well. Butterflies in my stomach all the time because of all the exciting prospects. Can't believe I'll see Derek again tomorrow. Also can't believe we've been together for nearly 6!!! months! I know that we've not seen each other all that much (all in all probably about 5,5 weeks), but still! On the one hand it feels like it's only been two months, but on the other hand it feels like we've been together for even longer. It feels good, and that's more important than anything.

I had a bit of a crazy day on Tuesday. I wanted to go to the registry to tell them I had finished my studies, and my supervisor had told me he would take care of the paperwork later. But once I was there, on the 31st, they told me that that was the very last day for the paperwork to be handed in! Oopsy! It took me about 30mins to locate my supervisor, and thankfully he completed it in minutes. I still dunno the grade I'll get for my dissertation, only that I've passed. Still waiting on Douglas' reply... I'm trying to be patient!

I visited Dee yesterday. She'll be on her way to Liverpool very shortly! I'm gonna miss her so so so much. Her and Alan are still so happy together. I'm so happy for them! They might find a house for just the two of them. It will be quite different, living together after having been far apart for so long, but I'm sure they'll do really well. Nearly started crying when I said goodbye yesterday. I know I'll see her on October 8th though. We'll have a BIG party which should be good. Then I'm off to my parents to celibrate my 23d birthday. Goodness, 23 already. Life goes really fast!

At my parents now. We talked yesterday about how they feel about me moving to Glasgow. Mum is really chuffed and thinks it's wonderful that I'm fulfilling my dream and dad feels the same, although I'm sure he would have preferred me to move to a mediteranean country or something. They don't feel sad to "lose" me. Didn't think they would, but after seeing other peoples' reactions it did make me wonder. Mum's birthday today. Will give her a voucher for a return ticket to Glasgow, so that she can come visit me. We're also planning to go to the Outer Hebrides together in the summer, as Jan and Dad are planning to go cycling together. Never been that far up north or out west, so really looking forward to that already.

I'll be in a bus for 7 hours tomorrow... But it's worth it! Arrive in Aarhus at 10pm. Good that it's the weekend first, so that Derek won't have to get up at 6.30 am!

Dunno if I'll get to post in you'll probably read me in two weeks time!


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