Monday, September 20, 2004

DISSERTATION GRADE, Glasgow, Glasgow, Glasgow

Dear all,

I have an 8!!!!!!!!!!! for my dissertation!!!!!! (that's a B1, or even a low A, not sure exactly...). So extremely happy with that!

No I'm not blue, but my room (and that's the approximate colour) is. It is so lovely!

On Saturday mum brought me to Zwolle where I was supposed to get the train that takes me straight to Schiphol. Unfortunately (though not surprising) the train didn't run because they were working on the tracks... so that meant I had to change trains all the same in Amsterdam. Managed ok though. Was HOME early in the afternoon. Felt so good to finally land on Glasgow ground and to finally go to my new flat and meet my new flat mate. Meena seems really nice, and I'm sure we'll get on really well. We have a similar taste in music and in TV-programs also so that's a good sign. The flat is just amazing. Still cannot believe that I live in the heart of the West End! The flat is big and airy, with high ceilings. We have a big living room and a big room each, a huge hall way, a nice bathroom with bath, a small kitchen, and a spare room. It is just so good. Moved the furniture in my room around and put some pics on the wall to make it look more my own, and it will look even better once I get my stuff that's still in Edinburgh. Hope to go to Edinburgh coming weekend, so that I can pack the car with Babs and we can drive back together and then I can take her for a night out.

Sorting out some paperwork today. Made a appointment with my supervisor, handed in some forms, checked ou the boookshop and went to the registry. Had some problems with the bank, and can't pay my tuition fees at matriculation, but that turns out not to be a big problem, as long as I pay before the end of October (surely my bank should be able to manage that!).

Off home now to talk to Derek! More paperwork tomorrow...


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