Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Decided to just go back to black... Boring...

Today I finally met some of my fellow MPhil Postgrad students. Weirdly enough there turns out not to be an actual taught course for this course (yes, that does make sense! stay with me) but that we can just pick and choose from the lectures and seminars available in the ScotLit department (and even other departments). Strange. There are three essay deadlines and of course the dissertation deadline in September for us and some proscribed texts, but that is it! Crazy! Of course I have to enrole (do you spell it like that?) for some courses, but even then I am not required to do the course work or anything. Not sure I am 'grown-up' enough to handle all this freedom! It does mean however that I will be extremely flexible, which is good. Have the next 1,5 week to figure out what I want to do and how and when...

Yesterday I met Fiona's new boyfriend, Craig. He seems nice and they seem to get on really well. Nice to see her happy and calm again!

My money got taken off my Dutch account today! Yeah! Not transfered yet, but it might even arrive tomorrow, in time before my matriculation! That would be a miracle though. Am sure my Dutch bank is keeping it somewhere to make money from it (which is what banks do to make money I guess, so can't really blame them). Praying for that miracle. Sure hope I will get my picture taken again for my matric card. Don't know if some of you remember the pic my old one had, but I looked like a whale on it (not so strange considering I was 10k heavier then that I am now)! Matric number still the same, so that makes life easy.

Bit sad the now, as I was hoping to catch Derek on MSN... and I MISSED him. F*ck! Excuse my language. You can use MSN messenger over the web now, without downloading it, on So do all get a (free) hotmail address to chat to me!

Off to the lovely (that seems to be my favourite word) vintage shops now:)! Will try not to buy stuff... Had never discovered these, but there is this whole lane of them just off Byres Road. Great for nice vintage clothes.


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