Thursday, August 26, 2004


Will keep it short today... try to anyway!

Great day yesterday. Marjolein had lots to tell me and it was lovely to catch up with her. Then the stand-up comedy: great fun. Laughed a lot as always. They didn't seem to appreciate me as much with Fiona not there though! Was strange to be there without her. Cees' party was nice, though slightly on the quiet side. Stayed till 2am all the same!

Look forward to day of packing tomorrow and then out with Susanne on Saturday night. It's als "Gronings Ontzet" (when the city celibrates how Rabenhaupt saved "us" from the bishop of Münster on August 28 1672 (I would like to give you a link, but 1: I don't know how, and 2: they're all in Dutch so most of you wouldn't understand anyway)). It will be very busy in town, so that should be good!

Till soon!


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