Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Dear all,

On Monday night I went to the swimming pool (as I'm planning to join the swimming club again in Glasgow I am trying to build up my fitness levels...). It was way too crowded with people who can't really swim, and to make matters worse they played music from "TITANIC" (yes, the movie depicting the disaster with the famous ocean steamer, in which hundreds of people drowned) in the background! How am I supposed to swim when the water is below freezing and my love (Leonardo DiCaprio, yummy!) is dying in front of my eyes?

I seem to have a thing about water in general, because yesterday I got ready to go to Ineke's (the lady I work for), but Archibald (one of my cats) sneaked out the door. I threw him back in, and slammed the door closed. It was pooring with rain, and I realised I'd left my keys INSIDE! AAAH! Moreover I found out my brother didn't have any keys and the only person possibly having keys was Steven, my ex... So I walked/ran (anyone that's ever seen me run knows I did something other people would call walking fast) through the downpoor to his and rang the bell. After ringing three times he finally opened the door, half-naked and smelly. Thankfully he had kept a key. I really didn't want him to, but I guess in this situation it was lucky. So humiliating to have to be "saved" by your ex, especially if you hardly have any contact! Anyway. I made it to work in the end, drenched and 20 minutes late. I am not giving my ex "his" keys back, but will tell my brother that he should give a spare set of the keys to a good friend when he moves in!

Looking forward to a nice day today! Meeting dear friend Marjolein for lunch in half an hour, then do some more e-mailing, buy some new clothes (Derek: wink,wink;)) even though I don't have any money, go swimming tonight or to the stand-up comedy (hmm, difficult choice indeed!) and then go to Cees' graduation party! Great day basically!

Oh, I forgot. Dee called me yesterday! She's in Sweden with Alan and she decided to call me to check how I was doing and how my dissertation had progressed! So sweet! She's having a great time, and the weather though cool is at least dry (unlike here). Hope we can meet up before she moves to Liverpool. But I have rather a busy weekend ahead. I need to move my stuff to my parents, and I have an old friend from Coevorden, Susanne, coming over for a "wild" night out on Saturday.

So strange to really be getting ready to move, and really move, to Glasgow. It doesn't scare me, but it is just strange to realise that I am packing up my life and moving to another country. I mean for me it is very normal by now, but when I tell some of my friends, especially friends who still live in Coevorden, they think I'm nuts! They can't imagine feeling at home anywhere else than home. People also wander what my parents think of me moving to Glasgow. Well, frankly: I don't know! We've never really discussed it. We don't discuss these sort of life decisions in general. We talk about it, yes, but they let me make up my own mind. I just decided that that was what I needed and wanted to do, and they didn't try to persuade me otherwise. Think my parents know that it will make me happy, and my mother loves Scotland too so she is more than happy!

Anyway. This blog-thing is really getting out of hand... I'm sure no normal person wants to read all this, but it's nice to write it down anyway!


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