Monday, April 11, 2005

New phone&my supervisor is great!

Dear all,

I got a new phone yesterday:)! YEAH! I am sad, I know. It's a Nokia 3200: camera, WAP and all sorts! Crazy eh? Fiddled with it for ages yesterday. Great to be able to send Derek goodnight message again, and to be able to receive them:). Still sad I lost the first ever message he sent me...:'(.

This weekend Derek stayed over as usual:). We both needed to do work though, so we only spent evenings, nights and mornings together. Nice all the same:). Because he's been so sweet about lending me money, and about buying my phone (I'll pay him back once I can get to my money of course!) I cooked him a nice meal last night. A sort of casserole with beef, vegetables and passata, with couscous. Was nice. He's been so stressed lately with assignment due today, lecture to give (yes, GIVE) on Friday and project to finish, as well as exams coming up.

Over the weekend I attempted to do work. Mostly fiddled with phone and thought, which always seems so unproductive. Did figure out what I'll do my next essay on though. Today I met my supervisor to discuss my progress. I was so nervous, because I still don't have a clear topic. He was very pleased though. He was happy with my choices and suggested some themes I might want to discuss. Very useful, and I feel so much better now!

I also received the form for my new passport. They want me to type up a statement about the robbery. Moreover I need to hand in proof of that I live here, namely a council tax bill. Hope there are no never know with these bureaucrats. I also need Dutch size passport photos...they're bigger apparently than UK ones... Doe sit even matter? They scan them in anyway, so they could change the size! Hope the photo shop can sort it out for me tomorrow.

Hope you're all well.


1 comment:

mond said...


I thought I would post a wee comment to cheer ye up!

From this, "so we only spent evenings, nights and mornings together", it seems if i don't do any work as it doesn't leave much time left! ;)

Hope your consulate visit goes well.
