Thursday, December 16, 2004

Merry Christmas and a Sparkling Hogmanay to Everyone!!!!

Enjoy the Holidays!

Love and a BIG hug xxx

Christmas do's (how do you spell do in plural?) and hair

Dear all,

Yesterday I had Christmas lunch at Fiona's with Fiona (duh!), Kelly and Susan. That was lovely. Had chicken in stead of turkey, but did have all the other traditional things. My first real traditional British Christmas meal! After that we went to the SESLL (School of English and Scottish Language and Literature) drinks thing. Disappointingly no Scottish Literature tutors turned up! Free wine, so people got quite plastered. I was way too full from the meal though, and in stead of going out, I just went home after. Boring me!

Yesterday I dyed my hair. Was fed up with my own boring colour, so it's now goldeny blonde with subtle high lights. Close to my own colour, but just that little bit more exciting;). Today I went to the hairdresser to get it cut, and it looks lovely now!

Then I went to uni to finish my essay... I've nearly nearly nearly finished it. Seriously should have started it later, closer to that deadline, because this way I just keep changing it, which is a bit sad... But it seems to be about as good as I want it to be, so I should be ok. Meeting Helene at 4pm for coffee, or maybe drinks&dinner, so I will print it out before I think. Hand it in tomorrow at the Scottish Literature lunch. Still bit scared... but I guess I'll be fine. Have written so many essays in my time! (that sounds like I'm ancient!)

Back here soon! Many exciting prospects: meet up with Helene, go out with friends of Derek's tomorrow, go out for drinks with Meena on Saturday, Christmas get-together with PostGrads Sunday, try not to think about Derek all Monday, as that's when he gets back, and then finally, on Tuesday I see Derek again! YEAH! Can't wait.


Monday, December 13, 2004


Dear all,

Christmas is nearly here! Yeah! Meena and me got a Christmas tree on Saturday and decorated it. So lovely to smell the tree when you come into the living room:). Also wrote all my (27!!!) Christmas cards. Let's hope I get more than 6 back this year! The problematic thing is that all this Christmassy stuff makes me feel like I'm on holiday... Which means I've not done too much work on the essay over the weekend... Oopsy! Should be able to finish it over the next two days though.

Spoke to Derek on Sunday. He's working so so hard. Hope he'll get a great grade for his placement and report. I'm sure he will:). Was so good to talk about what we'll do when he's back. Can't believe I'll see him in 8 days! Three months has been way too llllloooonnnnngggggg. We booked a table at a nice restaurant and we'll have the house to ourselves, so that will be nice:). Cuddle up in front of the fire:).

Will have a busy week socially, as well workwise. Lots of Christmas parties and lunches. Great:). Also finally gonna get my hair cut. Have been wanting to for the past three months, but never had the money (a cut costs £35 on average! OUTRAGEOUS!). Will look extra pretty when Derek gets back:).

Back to work now!

Enjoy the holidays!


Monday, December 06, 2004

Another computer update and general misery

Dear all,

My computer has decided to totally go mental on me (and yes, I do know it does what I want, not the other way round, and it's not a living being etc.etc.-> I'm still sure it did it on PURPOSE!). I thought it would be ok once I had taken the old keyboard off, but it turns out it's not. Last time I checked it was opening word-docs by itself, not responding to the keys and typing in the word-docs it openened. I was so brave as to try and use the recovery-cd (after checking I had backups of everything, as I couldn't get the files to save to D in stead of the C drive), but as it doesn't respond to the keys I couldn't follow the instructions. Decided not to touch it anymore and e-mail the company (in the Netherlands: JOY) that I bought it from to ask whether I can get it fixed here on their costs (if it turns out to be a problem of their making; it can hardly be a virus as it's never been connected to the internet and I haven't done any meddling). Otherwise I'll have to wait till I'm in the Netherlands in January... unless it turns out to be easily fixed by cetain people with knowledege of computers (although I don't want to bother anyone with it).

Couldn't sleep last night because of this, and because of anxiety over the question whether I can still write essays... Stupid I know. Of course I can:)! Hmmm, it doesn't sound so convincing in my head somehow. I live in a slight fear that one of these days they will discover that I can't actually write and that they will find me out... Scary. I know it's silly...

Apart from all this SHIT I'm ok, really (how convincing I sound eh?). I had my new friend Helene for dinner on Saturday, which was really nice. So good to be making new friends:).

Will try to cheer up!

Love u all

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Computer update and wine

Dear all,

I think I have sorted out the problem with the laptop (or rather Derek told me what the problem most probably is!): It's just the old keyboard I attached to it. That's probably fucked, so it's sending random data to the laptop. I've disconnected the keyboard, so it should be ok now. If not...we'll see what to do next!

On Thursday I went to dinner at Fi's. We had a bottle of wine with the meal and then decided we really should go out. So we went to Oran Mor. Had a few more bottles of wine there. Yes, you are reading this right... We got drunk. Very BAD! Was so hung over the next day... Stupid me. Couldn't eat till 6pm! Why did we do that to ourselves...? God knows.

Tonight my new friend Helene is coming for dinner. Really looking forward to that. Was going to cook her pasta with smoked salmon, spinach and cheese sauce, but it turns out she doesn't like salmon! So doing it with chicken in stead. Hope that works out ok.

Back again soon!


Friday, November 26, 2004

My computer's (not so) secret life...

Oh my God... My laptop types by itself in Word now! It doesn't have much of a decent vocabulary yet, it only says "3set" or "qef" and sometimes uses capitals and sometimes doesn't. Maybe it is trying to find itself a girl- of boyfriend?

But seriously. It IS typing by itself. Have tried restarting it, but it still does it! Annoying. I can still type, but just have to delete it's typing every now and then.

Can anybody tell me what the problem could be? I don;t know anything about computers... Thought it might be a virus, but then I've never been on the net with my laptop!



Thursday, November 25, 2004

Blue but happy!

Slightly more creative title for a change:).

My right big toe is blue... a girl stood on it in the QM nearly a month ago, but yesterday I suddenly noticed it was blue under my nail... hmm. Maybe I am turning into a blue monster?

Went to Tennents last night to watch Barcelona-Celtic. 1-1!!!!!!!! Amazing. It felt like they had won in Tennents! Great. My new 'friends' Chris and Andrew (about 38-year old, rich guys: hehe) bought me a beer again. They asked if I want to come out with them one weekend. I don't think so! I mean they are friendly and nice, but not friends. Problem is I will meet them every time I go and watch Celtic in Tennents and they keep asking... what do I say next time? Not sure this "going to the pub on my own to watch the fitba" was a good idea after all. Need to get myself a buddy, or get (ie PAY, hehe) Derek to come with me when he's back.

Uni is ok too. Getting stuck into my essay that's due in 3 weeks. Should meet up with my supervisor next week so that there's pressure on me to do it.

Miss Derek, but only 3.5 weeks to go! Not long at all.


Saturday, November 20, 2004


Also wanted to say that it's my dad's birthday today!

Van Harte Gefeliciteerd! Ik bel je vanavond!



Gee, the titles of these posts get more and more creative every day!

Yesteday afternoon I went to Blairhill (dunno if you spell it like that. Sure hope Blair has nothing to do with it!), where Craig, Fiona's boyfriend lives. We cooked a nice dinner, pasta with spinach, salmon and blue cheese sauce: yummy! The sauce was a bit of a Bridget Hones-moment though, as it was very green from the cheese. It tasted lovely though. The we took a cab to Airdrie to go to the "Rock Garden" to watch some of Craig's friends play. It was fun, and quite good even some of it. The only downside was my migrain and the fact that it was about -5 in there! In the ladies you could see your own breath! Crazy. Aparently the heating engineer was coming in the morning. I was so brave as to complain and I think it was because of me that they got a wee portable heater thing. Was slightly better after that. Few drinks helped also. Only had like 5 (between 9pm and 2am), as my head was killing me. Fiona got pretty wrecked, which was quite funny. She took loads of pics also. One of Craig's friends is exactly like Derek. Very strange. Of course he's not as sexy, sweet, gorgeous, cuddly and funny as Derek, but he did remind me of him a lot. Same sense of style, same sort of hair, soft spoken. Weird!

Craig drove me home this afternoon and I finally got to talk to Derek. Have been a bit of a silly depressive the past couple of days, so it was very good to have a wee chat. Miss him so much... Only 4 weeks to go! I'll be ok...

It is absolutely BALTIC out here. So so so cold. Freezes at night and during the day it is only slightly above zero. BRRRRR. Glad Derek gave me a big scarf for my birthday. Nice and warm.

Booked flights to The Netherlands for me and Derek for January 20-23. Yippy! Gonna have a very, very late Sinterklaas celebration with my brother and parents. Better late than never! Couldn't really afford the flights, but hey, it's worth it. Haven't been home since October after all, and I am already away for both Christmas and Hogmanay.


Not so very AAAHH

Pim Fortuin didn't win the program thing after all:)! Thank God for that. Willem van Oranje (William of Orange) won instead. Would say he meant a lot more for the Netherlands, wouldn't you?


Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I cannot believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pim Fortuin (aye, the Dutch right-wing politician who got murdered in May 2002) has been voted the greatest Dutchman, ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can surely not be serious...

It's a tv-program, and the public got to vote, but still.

I am shocked


Thursday, November 11, 2004


Dear all,

How very unimaginative is my title... Ah well.

Last Wednesday Gerard arrived (for those of you who don't know who that is: he is a French lawyer friend of mine I met two years ago when we lived in the same building in Murano St.).

Had a really good week together. I'll give you the highlights:

On Wednesday night we went to the Loft with Meena. Hadn't eaten there before and it was lovely. During the day on Thursday we went into town for a stroll. Gerard really wanted to go to the Hive, so that's what we did. I like the Hive, but it was so extremely busy in there. We both felt a bit too old for it also. Sad eh? Received great insult when someone in the queue asked me whether I was American, or maybe from Canadia (wherever that may be!). Surely I sound Scottish by now, or at least British!

On Friday we went to the ESE (?) get-together. We had dinner with Emma and the computing-boys (this term is not meant derogatively!) in Bouzy Rouge and went on to a bar. After that me&Gerard went to the Garage where we met up with Fiona and Jemma. Was such a great night! For anyone who thinks they don't like the Garage; try it again. Give it a chance. It's just so much fun! The high point of the evening was a glas of Glenfidich, yes, aye, GLENFIDICH in the Garage! Danced ass of also, which is always good.

On Saturday we decided to go for an alcohol-free night, so we went to the UGC. Wanted to go see "Finding Neverland", about the life in JM Barrie, but it was sold out, so instead we went to see "The Grudge", a remake of a Japanese horror movie. Gerard doesn't seem to be scared by anything, but I was petrified! It was so so scary.

On Sunday we went to the Uisge Beatha for the live music session. Hadn't been since I came back to Glasgow and then realised that I'd really missed it. It's just so gooood. Lovely whisky also.

On Monday we met up with Helene, a girl from Gerard's uni who's doing the same course he did 2 years ago, in Ashoka. She seems really nice, and I hope to meet up with her again one day. She's so French (not in a bad way, just typical)! She reminded me of Marielle.

On Wednesday, Gerard's last day, we went to Jack McFee for fish&chips and then to Tennents for the Old Firm game. We're both Celtic supporters, and so is Emma who joined us, so we were disapponted with the result. It's great though to have fish&chips and watch the fitba with some friends.

Also back onto swimming now. Went to the Stevie together on Sunday and I realised that I had really missed swimming. Will go at least twice a week from now on. That's a promise!

On a very different note: I am very worried about the whole situation in the Netherlands (long story). It seems like a war zone out there! Scary.

Off home now. I'm starving after I went swimming this afternoon also!


Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Dear all,

On Saturday I went to a Halloween party in Kelvinhaugh Gate, with a Chilean friend of mine called Carmen. It was a Murano-style flat party with lots of drunken, predomintantly American and Canadian, students everywhere. Did get to meet a few nice people tho, and had a good night.

I went dressed up as Poison-Ivy, and although I don't look like Uma Thurman at all(sadly), and wasn't wearing a very tight green licra (I would say that isn't advisable for most people and certainly not for me) dress or had dyed my hair bright red, people still recognised me as such. Just used the fake ivy from my rooom and applied green eye-shadow and hair gel.

By the time I wanted to go home I decided I couldn't really walk back in the middle of the night through not the best bits of Glasgow, so I found two guys, who were going to Milngavie, to share a cab with. They wanted to stay for a bit though, and then the taxi took 40mins to by the time I got home it was 3am (and that was after the clocks were turned back!). Was a lot safer that way though.

Only bad thing was a random guy who said who could speak Dutch and consequenlty asked me "wil je met me neuken" (yes it means exactly what you think it does!) while he obviously knew what that meant...sad. Simply replied with "No thanks". Worked.

Have to go now, as will be logged off in 3 mins... Gerard arrives tomorrow afternoon, so will have a lot to tell you next time probably:)!


Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Dear all,

You've not heard from me in a while because Simone, my friend and former flat mate, was here for a few days.

I picked her up from Central Station on Thursday night. She was so happy to see me! I was very happy to see her too. We'd not seen each other for more than a year! Crazy... We went home and had a few glasses of wine and some oat cakes with bluye cheese. Yum! She loved the flat.

On Friday we met Cees, who was visiting for a few days with his girlfriend, and had lunch at the PostGrad club. Then we walked into town and went shopping. Simone bought Christmas cards becauseshe thinks the ones here are so much nicer. Friday night I introduced her to the Loft, the bar that is now above the newly built Grosvenor cinema. She loved it. It's gorgeous and it looks like it has always been there. The we went to the QM, for Cheesy Pop. Had a great night apart from one strange incident that befall me... A random (according to Simone that is my new word) guy was dancing up to me, in the sense that he was rubbing his crotch up against me. Bleh:(! I pushed him away, obviously!, and when his friend pushed him even further Simone and me thanked him. That friend must have told him or something, because suddenly he came storming back and pushed his finger into my cheek. That really hurt, and even if it didn't, I don't want some random guy to touch me! I got really angry and slapped him on the back. He then showed me his middle finger and 5mins later even launched his drink at me, most of which unfortunately landed on Simone... God I was so angry! The rest of the night I was kind of paranoid, as I didn't really remember what he looked like and kept thinking I saw him. Stupid... Anyway.

On Saturday we went to Glasgow Green and we went to to People's Palace and the Barrows. Especially the People's Palace is really good. Hadn't been there, or at least not since I was like twelve. Saturday night Fiona came for dinner. We had some wine and some nice food and chatted away. Simone and her seemed to get on really well, so that was nice. We went to Gong after that and Simone and me left when it closed.

The next day we were supposed to go out with Emma at night, but that didn't work out. We did go out to dinner, to the lovely Spanish tapas restaurant just off Byres Road. Great! The we went to Jinty's for a few pints. The next day I went to my lecture at 12 and Simone met up with her professor. After that we went to prestwick to meet up with Emma. Had a lovely afternoon with her, and her mum even cooked us dinner! They brought Simone to the airport and then I took the train home... Had a very busy night after that, as I had heaps of cathcing up to do. it was worth it though! Gonna try and work hard the next couple of days so that I will have time for Gerard when he arrives next Wednesday.

No plans for Halloween yet. Might go out with some of Derek's friends if they are going.

Talking about Derek's friends...

Iain (I'm assuming you spell it like that) I am really sorry I confused you with Chris! Have met so many new people recently and I have never been a star remembering names... Please forgive me:)!

Anyway, will be logged off very soon! Gonna try and get a contract phone tomorrow, as my old one is very much dying on me, and get new boots, as the old ones died when I was in Groningen. Then back to the grind to do some more work on my IT-thing as well as a lot of reading. Reading week next week, so can read instead of going to all my classes, before Gerard arrives.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What's cooking?

Dear all,

We got a mini-kitchen today!

To give you an idea of what it looks like (this is the one we've got in the house I think):

We're gonna have to make do with that untill the whole kitchen gets refurbished. Meena kept saying how sorry she is about it all: so sweet! I'm sure we'll manage:)!

Was also doing this stupid IT-thing today. Need to pass an IT-test this year, otherwise i won;t graduate. Have to do the online-course first (which you wouldn't be able to access if you didn't know how to do the tasks they teach you in the first place!), then pass the test. Can't get an exemption:(. Guess it can only do me good really, so I shouldn't nag!

Simone arrives tomorrow night and stays till Monday night. Really looking forward to seeing her!


Monday, October 18, 2004

Jan's birthday

Before I forget... It's my wee (don't let him hear me) brother's 20th birthday today!

Van Harte Gefeliciteerd Jan! Bel je vanavond!

20 already... Wee brother is not so very wee really is he? (not that he's been wee-er than me for a lot of our lives)

Off to lecture now (finally)!



I just typed a huge entry and then it didn't post it... ARGH! Wouldn't know how to retrieve it, so will just give you a very short rendering of the whole thing...

The party on Friday was great! So many people came. Met lots of new people. Was very happy that some of Derek's closest friends also popped by. Had Donna's phone number and had told her to bring everyone along, but i wasn't expecting them really. Then I opened the door and Donna, Peter, Chris, Joe and Liisa were there! So nice. Finally got to meet Joe and Liisa. Strange with Derek not there... Got asked lots of questions about Mond (as they call him...long story), about Denmark etc. Sweet!

Went to the QM after the party with a few people. I spent most of the night talking to Iain. He showed me pictures of his South African girlfriend and told me about his adventures and we had quite a few vodka-somethings. He was quite wobbly at the end of the night, so I decided to walk him to his busstop. Meena must have gotten quite worried and called me to ask where I was. I answered that I was fine and that i was just waiting at the busstop. This obviously didn't make any sense to her... She also told me the next day I sounded very Scottish. Weird. Know I sound more Scottish now than I ever did, but didn't realise it got worse (better?) after a few drinks...

Today Meena, and me a little bit too I guess, had a dissaster day. The gas-man (Scottish Gas) told us that the fire in the living room as well as the cooker are unsafe to use! AAH! Meena is on the hunt for a new cooker rght now. After all the problems with the washing machine Meena was so angry/sad that this also had to happen. The poor thing even felt guilty towards me! OIf course it's not her fault. Hope it's all back to normal soon. Will have to live off instant soup, salad, take-away and microwave food for a while I guess!

Anyway. That was the short version of my story... Will copy it now, just in case it doens't work again!


Friday, October 15, 2004


Have lots to tell you about the past week, but it's all boring and nagging, as it involves BANKS again... Will just leave it to your imagination...

After I go back on Sunday I went out to dinner with Fiona to celebrate my graduation (she insisted;)). We had dinner at the wee Italian on Ashton Lane. Lovely food. No pizza's, just nice pasta and other dishes. Then we were supposed to go for one cocktail at The Loft, but we hung around for ages, and eventually ended up in The Clinicon Dunbarton Road... Oopsy. Got home at 2am... BAD! Ah well, I was good for the rest of the week!

Tonight Meena and me are throwing a belated birthday/flat warming party. Really looking forward to that! Have to go now. Get logged off in 4mins... AAH!


Saturday, October 09, 2004

23... and Master of Arts

Dear all,

It's strange to be 23... especially as that means I am now (for a few months anyway) 2 years older than Derek ;). No, of course it feels just as good, or bad, as being 22.

Yesterday I graduated! Yeah! I now officially have a Master of Arts degree! Wierd... I am now just as educated as my dad. So strange to think of it that way. Should I be looking for a job?? Thankfully I have another degree to study for, and even then I might study on...

Me and Dee graduated after one another, which was really special. We've been such good friends for all these years (we met in first year), and finishing with her was great. I was so proud of her when she got her Cum Laude! Fantastic! One of my teachers said I was always the "heart and soul" of the class, whcih was very nice to hear. It's a shame I only knew about graduating like 2 weeks ago, otherwise I would have been able to invite more people...

The party afterwards was very nice. It was more Dee's party than mine, but that was ok. Afterwards I went out to dinner with mum, dad and Jan, at the Mexican on the Poelestraat. Great food and lovely "frozen Margerita", yummy!

Went out the night with Dee, Alan, Jorieke, Theodoor and his new girlfriend. I was missing Derek so so much... Was hard to enjoy myself. Had been looking forward to the night out for so long, and then it was not what I expected. That was my own fault though. It was nice to take the time to talk to Dee and Alan, catch up with what they've been up to.

Wish Derek had been there... It was just one of these important moments in life... You think you won't be moved, but then they hand you the "bul" (degree certificate) and I was ready to burst into tears! Terrible. Know he was there for me in spirit! Can't wait to talk to him properly on Sunday! Fibnally after two weeks of no talking, just texting, and one week of very short way too expensive calls.

I'm off! It's time for my birthday dinner. Mum made "dumpling" for desert: YUMMY!


Wednesday, October 06, 2004


It was very weird to celebrate my birthday yesterday without Derek, without Dee and without real friends generally... Made me a little bit sad. Derek did call me in the morning, and he was the very first person to congratulate me, which was very very nice. Meena and Andrew (her boyfriend) were really sweet to me also. We had dinner together and they even got me a wee prezzie and a victoria spunge with candle! So sweet. Then we went to the PostGrad club for a few drinks. Toby (a physics student I met a while ago) and Kirsten (who also does ScotLit) also came and bought me drinks. Lisa (a Californian girl that does ScotLit) was also there, but she was preoccupied with other people.

On Saturday I did have a small party. Fiona cooked me dinner, and Susan, Jemma and she gave me nice prezzies. We had lots of wine and went out to the Oran Mor (church place at the end or Byres Road). Had a really good time!

Derek is doing better and better and should be getting back to work tomorrow! Great. Glad he can finally go back and catch up. Also glad that means we can e-mail, chat and call again. He called me from his British mobile on Monday night and 15min cost about £15! AAH! Was good to finally talk though. Texting is so limited if you really want to convey some kind of message. He is also planning to come to Glasgow in the middle of November for a long weekend. I'm dying to see him again! Especially after his accident I realised how much I miss him.

Busy weeks ahead! First I'll fly to the Netherlands tomorrow for my graduation on Friday and to celebrate my birthday on Saturday. Fly home again on Sunday. On Friday the 15th me and Meena are throwing a party; combined house warming and birthday party for both of us. Will be nice to meet some of her friends and have her meet some of mine! Simone arrives on the 20th and willl stay for a week. Really looking forward to seeing her again. She leaves on the 26th and on the 3d of November Gerard arrives. Really looking forward to seeing him again as well. Can't believe last time I saw Simone was more than a year ago, in October 2003, and last time I saw Gerard was in early December of last year! Crazy! Gerard stays for a week and hopefully Derek then arrives on the 12th or something. I don't know when I will do the studying! Might have to use my Christmas break to do an awful lot of catching up... I can plan how and when I do the work anyway, so it should be ok.

Tonight I'm going out to dinner, to a Mongolian restaurant in the Merchant City. Meena and Andrew are taking me there. It sounds very different and exciting, so I'm really looking forward to that.

A last thought: I HATE (my) BANK(s)! I ordered like 30 books, course books that is, on Amazon, but half of the orders fell through because my bank claims my credit card details aren't correct (in half of the cases only, don't ask me why...). I changed my address to my parents, but I think something went wrong in their administration. This means I might have to do some, if not all of, the searching and ordering all over again... SIGH! ARGH! So annoying...

Anyway. Gotta go!


Friday, October 01, 2004


I picked my courses today and signed up for them. I'm doing Scottish Literature level 2, which focusses on ScotLit from the Middle Ages in the first semester, and on 16th to 19th century in the second semester. I will also be doing papers 5, 7 and 9. 5 is on Renaissance and Reformation, 7 on Scott to Carlyle and 9 on the Modern Scottish Renaissance (1920's&30's). Unfortuately my favourite stuff is taught next year (these are courses from the 2-year Honours course, and half is taught now, the other half next year). This means I'll have to study that by myself. That's fine though, as I already know a lot about it anyway from studying for my dissertation. I will not have to do the honours or level 2 exams or essays, but in stead I will have to do three 3500 word essays over the year (NOTHING!) on my favourite period, which in my case is 20th century, and 2 exams, one on Medieval literature and one on the 18th century-Victorian period. I will be able to focus on my favourite parts and will be allowed to ask for exam questions on a certain author or theme, and to write my essays on whichever author or theme I prefer. This means I have a lot of freedom to order my studies the way I want, which is great. I have however decided to just enrole in the honours and level 2 courses and attend most of their lectures and seminars to give me a backbone of my course. I was also given a list of all kinds of interesting seminar and lecture series, for instance one in Scottish Studies and one on literary theory, that I can attend if I feel like it. It's all very exciting!

Yesterday I had a meeting with my fellow Scottish Literature Postgrads. It was really interesting and it was nice to meet people with the same passion for Scottish Literature. There are people from all over the world, Chile, Japan, US, Netherlands (yes, a fellow countryman) as well as a lot of Scottish students. We went to the Postgraduate Club (excuse me, I should say Research club as it as called now) afterwards, whish was really nice. Talked about Scottish Literature all night and was treated to lots of pints. I got about 7 new phone numbers! Lots of new people to meet and things to do. We wanted to go to the QM after that, but unfortunately they wouldn't let us in as it was just after 1am (the curfue). Actually quite glad I went home after that, as I had a meeting with my supervisor today!

Tonight I'm going to see The Tempest at Gilmore Hill. Fiona got tickets. Good to go to the theatre, as I haven't been in ages.

I haven't joined the swimming club yet... Bad! Not sure if I really feel like it. I have joined the Stevie though, and will go swimming a lot.

Home now, as I'm starving!


Thursday, September 30, 2004

I confess...

Thankfully I managed to convince Toby, an English guy I met at the PostGrad club last week, to join me in Tennent's to watch the game! All the other people I texted, all girls, mysteriously had other things to do. How surprising!

Game was crap in the first half, but in the second half Celtic actually looked really promissing, but as they don't seem to have any sort of luck away they managed to get two goals against them in the final minutes... 3-1 for bloody (excuse my language) AC Milan. Argh! Was good to be in Tennent's again to watch a game though!

After that Fiona managed to persuade me to go to the Shack, again... Terrible... I don't like it much generally, but last night it seemed worse than ever: an extension of the worst bits of the GU (for those of you in The Netherlands: Vindicat! AAH!). Rugby guys in baby blue shirts, cream trousers and ties everywhere. They acted like they own the place! Moreover I felt terribly over-dressed in jeans and a top without cleavage. All the girls in there seem to wear belts for skirts and shoes they can't walk on even then they're sober. I like the Garage so much better. I know why now. The difference is in class really. The Garage is equally cheesy music-wise, but there you find any type of person, and not just rugby boys and girly girls that try to pull them. Promissed myself to not go to the Shack anymore, at least not a lot. Just feel terribly out of place there. Everyone knows everyone as well, and I only know the people Fiona introduced me to.

Anyway. Not much news otherwise. Meeting my advisor tomorrow to figure out what courses to do etc. Exciting! Derek is still in pain, but it's getting better. Working from home and taking it easy. I hope he can go to work again next week, and that he's able to catch up. very afraid this will mean he won't come to visit in November... as he needs all his time now. Sad. But I understand he wants to make the very best of this placement. I'll cope! "Only" 3 months to go...

Back again soon!


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Fitba Buddies...&Shoes

Dear all,

I am trying desperately to find people to come watch the fitba (AC Milan-Celtic, which is on TONIGHT!) with me in Tennent's. Texted all the postgrads I met last week, and tried to lure them by telling them it would be a "truely Glaswegian experience" (aye, I sound like a tourist guide...), but none of them have said yes (yet, I guess there is still time). AAH! I might have to go to Tennent's alone... I mean I will, because there is no other means for me to watch it, as it's on Sky Sports. Anyway. I'll be brave!

Bought a really cute pair of shoes. I am getting my boots rehealed and just got new trainers, but I couldn't resist them at a mere £20... BAD girl!


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Poor Derek&Help

Dear all,

I totally forgot to tell you last time that my dearest Derek had a bike accident last Wednesday... The poor thing badly hurt his knee and cannot move very well now. That means he is stuck at home! Wish I could fly over for a few days to take care of him...

I am trying to pick my courses now, but that is proving difficult... Don't know what to pick and how things work! Hope to make an appointment with my supervisor very soon, because I need some help.

Then the amazing story of my lost tuition fees cheque... I am so STUPIT (Glaswegian for stupid, for those of you that think I can't spell)! I went to the registry on Friday with my £3010 cheque, but they turned out to be on a lunch break. I had to go catch a bus to Edinburgh after that, and I was starting to worry about having to walk round with a £3000 cheque all day! A woman came out of the office and asked me if she could help. I explained and then she told me to give her the cheque and she would sort it out for me. I went home relieved. But that night I had my mum on the phone and it suddenly dawned on me that MY details weren't on the cheque, but the BANK'S! Oopsy! That meant they had no means of identifying whose money that was! God, I was worried all weekend. I went to the registry just now and thankfully they had kept the cheque seperate, and I found the lady I had given it to. So I now have a receipt that proves that I did pay! Jippy (well, I would have preferred to have kept it to myself, but hey I guess pursueing (how do you spell that?) your dream doesn't come cheap!)!

Friday afternoon I took the bus to Edinburgh to go to Barbara's to get my stuff. Was lovely to see her again. Packed the car and drove back to Glasgow. We had a pint in Tennents and then she went back home. Will take her on a good night out very soon. I put all my things in their place in my room, which now finally looks like my room. That night Emma came over for a good night out. Went to the church at the end (Great Western Rd end) of Byres Rd. They turned it into a club and bar/restaurant. I like the bar, as it's got no music and a nice atmosphere, but I'm not sure about the club bit. The crowd is a bit older and the music was a bit old as well. Not sure. It is an easy choise though, as it's only down the road!

Hope that Derek is better soon. He made a short trip to the shops yesterday, but he was very sore after. It's just so sad that he is losing precious time on his placement this way. And it makes me even sadder to think he is in pain. Hope he can call me soon, but as he can only call me from work I'm not sure that's going to happen soon...


Sunday, September 26, 2004


Dear all

I am internetting in a pone box and its a nightmare! Uni is closed today and tomorrow...

Just needed to tell you I will graduate in Groningen after all! Hopefully anyway. Dee got a message that said so, but trying to open my mail here proves difficult...

Let you know how things stand on Tuesday!


Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Decided to just go back to black... Boring...

Today I finally met some of my fellow MPhil Postgrad students. Weirdly enough there turns out not to be an actual taught course for this course (yes, that does make sense! stay with me) but that we can just pick and choose from the lectures and seminars available in the ScotLit department (and even other departments). Strange. There are three essay deadlines and of course the dissertation deadline in September for us and some proscribed texts, but that is it! Crazy! Of course I have to enrole (do you spell it like that?) for some courses, but even then I am not required to do the course work or anything. Not sure I am 'grown-up' enough to handle all this freedom! It does mean however that I will be extremely flexible, which is good. Have the next 1,5 week to figure out what I want to do and how and when...

Yesterday I met Fiona's new boyfriend, Craig. He seems nice and they seem to get on really well. Nice to see her happy and calm again!

My money got taken off my Dutch account today! Yeah! Not transfered yet, but it might even arrive tomorrow, in time before my matriculation! That would be a miracle though. Am sure my Dutch bank is keeping it somewhere to make money from it (which is what banks do to make money I guess, so can't really blame them). Praying for that miracle. Sure hope I will get my picture taken again for my matric card. Don't know if some of you remember the pic my old one had, but I looked like a whale on it (not so strange considering I was 10k heavier then that I am now)! Matric number still the same, so that makes life easy.

Bit sad the now, as I was hoping to catch Derek on MSN... and I MISSED him. F*ck! Excuse my language. You can use MSN messenger over the web now, without downloading it, on So do all get a (free) hotmail address to chat to me!

Off to the lovely (that seems to be my favourite word) vintage shops now:)! Will try not to buy stuff... Had never discovered these, but there is this whole lane of them just off Byres Road. Great for nice vintage clothes.


Monday, September 20, 2004

DISSERTATION GRADE, Glasgow, Glasgow, Glasgow

Dear all,

I have an 8!!!!!!!!!!! for my dissertation!!!!!! (that's a B1, or even a low A, not sure exactly...). So extremely happy with that!

No I'm not blue, but my room (and that's the approximate colour) is. It is so lovely!

On Saturday mum brought me to Zwolle where I was supposed to get the train that takes me straight to Schiphol. Unfortunately (though not surprising) the train didn't run because they were working on the tracks... so that meant I had to change trains all the same in Amsterdam. Managed ok though. Was HOME early in the afternoon. Felt so good to finally land on Glasgow ground and to finally go to my new flat and meet my new flat mate. Meena seems really nice, and I'm sure we'll get on really well. We have a similar taste in music and in TV-programs also so that's a good sign. The flat is just amazing. Still cannot believe that I live in the heart of the West End! The flat is big and airy, with high ceilings. We have a big living room and a big room each, a huge hall way, a nice bathroom with bath, a small kitchen, and a spare room. It is just so good. Moved the furniture in my room around and put some pics on the wall to make it look more my own, and it will look even better once I get my stuff that's still in Edinburgh. Hope to go to Edinburgh coming weekend, so that I can pack the car with Babs and we can drive back together and then I can take her for a night out.

Sorting out some paperwork today. Made a appointment with my supervisor, handed in some forms, checked ou the boookshop and went to the registry. Had some problems with the bank, and can't pay my tuition fees at matriculation, but that turns out not to be a big problem, as long as I pay before the end of October (surely my bank should be able to manage that!).

Off home now to talk to Derek! More paperwork tomorrow...


Friday, September 17, 2004

Derek, Denmark, Derek, Derek

Dear all,

Thought I'd write my blog in red today, as it is the color of the Danish flag, the colour of love and the colour (most importantly) of my new trainers!

Have quite a lot of catching up to do as I haven't posted in a amazing 13 days. You must have missed me terribly...

On Friday September 3d I left for Aarhus at 12 in the afternoon. They had advised me to be waiting at the bus stop about 30mins in advance, so that's what I did. By 12 'o clock I was wandering why there was still no bus... Suddenly I saw a coach standing on the other side of the road. I ran towards it (with my huge bag!) and was just able to wave it down, though with great danger to my own life, as I was standing in the middle of a very busy road. Turned out they had changed the bus stop without bothering to let anyone know! Fucking hell! Excuse my language... Anyway. I made it. The bus journey was very easy, as i only had to change once, in Hamburg. Ten hours in a bus isn't the greatest thing in the world, but if you want to travel cheap it's a good option. At 10pm I arrived at Aarhus, where Derek came to pick me up. Was so so so good to see him again. We took the train to Bjerringbro where a lovely curry, that Derek had prepared earlier, was waiting for us.

The next day we went to Aarhus (Andy (Derek's friend who is also on his placement), Derek&me) to enjoy the cultural festival. It was quite shite really, but Aarhus is a nice city and we also had gorgeous weather. Spent most of the afternoon in "The Cockney Pub" enjoying a few pints of lovely Deuchars that they sold there. Went for a lovely meal on the canal-side after that and then off home as we were all dead tired and slightly tipsy after all that beer. On Sunday Derek and me went for a nice bike ride. We went to a lovely lake close to Bjerringbro. Weather was still gorgeous, so we sunbathed for a bit.

On Monday Derek and Andy had to go back to work unfortunately... so that meant them getting up at 6am to go to work! I stayed in bed till 9 most days and spent my days watching telly, doing the shopping and the cleaning and sunbathing. Lovely, although it did make me feel like I was a house-wife, which is definately not oneof my ambitions! Because they go to work wo early they do get home around 4pm, which is great. That meant I still had some afternoon and evening to spend with Derek. Especially liked watching "The Office" together.

On Thursday Andy left to pick up his girlfriend Amy from the airport in Aarhus. Derek and me went to the local Italian for dinner. Lovely food. It was quite complicated to order though as the owners only spoke Italian and Danish. The next day I spent watching telly again, and talking to Amy. When the boys were back we went to the supermarket to get some food and beer. Most of the evening was filled with jokes about the sweets Derek discovered call "spunk". Crazy! That night we fist went to the local pub/dancing "Christiansborg". Amy really wanted some proper dancing though, so we went to the local nightclub (if you can call it that). It was filled with 16-year-olds and the music was crap, but we had a good time anyway! Bit to much of a good time really, as both Amy and me had quite a bad hangover the next day... On Saturday I went to Viborg with Derek. Lovely town. Walked around and sat on the lake side for a while. Then went to a Mexican for dinner. Lovely, lovely! On Sunday we had planned to go to Silkeborg to see the "Tollund man" (peat body), but we managed to miss the bus. We decided to go to Skive, even though the place wasn't even mentioned in the "Lonely Planet guide"... How daring of us eh? First thing Derek said when the train drove into the town was: "It looks just like Cumbernauld..." (In plain English: it looks awfull). I will definitely send the Lonely Planet people a letter to recommend to put Skive in the next version of their guide to Denmark as it was one of the most fantastic places I've ever been to! We walked into the town center to discover that there was absolutely no one about (even though it was the last day of some kind of festival...) and that there was nothing to do or see. We spent most of our time in two of the pubs and took some random pictures. Crap place, but a lovely day all the same. Just had a lot of fun with Derek! We had dinner in the Greek restaurant, which was fabulous, and went home.

On Monday it was back to work again... I spent most of the time watching telly again. BAD! Brought five books, and didn't even finish one! Just fed up with reading for a bit I guess. Felt good to have absolutely nothing to do for a while. On our last night Derek and me went out to dinner again (for the fifth time in 12 days! Not as bad as our usual every day though), to the "West End". A lovely cosy restaurant with lovely food.

The next day I had to go home... So so sad. The power was down in the morning with made packing last things fun! Took the train to Aarhus and then the two busses again... bloody 10 hours! The trains home to my parents, so 14 hours on the road all in all. Definitely worth it though!

Missing Derek a lot, but going to Glasgow tomorrow, so I am very excited also. Can't wait to see my flat and meet Meena!

Write again soon!


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Saying goodbye

Dear all,

Gosh, this thing really is getting out of hand... but I'll just keep on posting! Can't help it; I'm an addict!

I am well. Butterflies in my stomach all the time because of all the exciting prospects. Can't believe I'll see Derek again tomorrow. Also can't believe we've been together for nearly 6!!! months! I know that we've not seen each other all that much (all in all probably about 5,5 weeks), but still! On the one hand it feels like it's only been two months, but on the other hand it feels like we've been together for even longer. It feels good, and that's more important than anything.

I had a bit of a crazy day on Tuesday. I wanted to go to the registry to tell them I had finished my studies, and my supervisor had told me he would take care of the paperwork later. But once I was there, on the 31st, they told me that that was the very last day for the paperwork to be handed in! Oopsy! It took me about 30mins to locate my supervisor, and thankfully he completed it in minutes. I still dunno the grade I'll get for my dissertation, only that I've passed. Still waiting on Douglas' reply... I'm trying to be patient!

I visited Dee yesterday. She'll be on her way to Liverpool very shortly! I'm gonna miss her so so so much. Her and Alan are still so happy together. I'm so happy for them! They might find a house for just the two of them. It will be quite different, living together after having been far apart for so long, but I'm sure they'll do really well. Nearly started crying when I said goodbye yesterday. I know I'll see her on October 8th though. We'll have a BIG party which should be good. Then I'm off to my parents to celibrate my 23d birthday. Goodness, 23 already. Life goes really fast!

At my parents now. We talked yesterday about how they feel about me moving to Glasgow. Mum is really chuffed and thinks it's wonderful that I'm fulfilling my dream and dad feels the same, although I'm sure he would have preferred me to move to a mediteranean country or something. They don't feel sad to "lose" me. Didn't think they would, but after seeing other peoples' reactions it did make me wonder. Mum's birthday today. Will give her a voucher for a return ticket to Glasgow, so that she can come visit me. We're also planning to go to the Outer Hebrides together in the summer, as Jan and Dad are planning to go cycling together. Never been that far up north or out west, so really looking forward to that already.

I'll be in a bus for 7 hours tomorrow... But it's worth it! Arrive in Aarhus at 10pm. Good that it's the weekend first, so that Derek won't have to get up at 6.30 am!

Dunno if I'll get to post in you'll probably read me in two weeks time!


Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Party 2, and SCARY weird

Yes, this title makes sense...NOT.

Saturday an old friend of mine, Susanne whom I've known since I was 10, came to visit. First we went into town to go shopping for shoes (unfortunately just for her, as I'm still on the verge of bankrupty:(...). Then we went home, had a chippie, watched a movie while drinking some Martini's and got ready to go PARTY! We went into town and had a great time. The aim was really to spend little money (i.e. let other people pay for our drinks, hehe!), but we didn't quite manage to do that. Neither of us is single, so we didn't want to flirt too blatently;). Didn't spend that much money all the same, as I was already quite tipsy from all the Martini's we'd had at home! Went to Sally 'O Briens (my favourite pub, an Irish one) and to De Kar (the kart...uhm don't ask me why it's called that). Danced a lot and enjoyed ourselves! Even ran into another friend from secondary school whom I hadn't seen for years. Went home with the last bus at 3.45am (really quite early for Dutch standards). That was my last night out in Groningen, at least before I move to Glasgow! Strange.

Today I am handing in the paper version of my dissertation. So weird to see a 60p "book"from your own hand! Good feeling though. Read through it again, and am really quite chuffed with it. But I think I can do (even) better next time round.

Today is also my very last day at Ineke's. Very strange, as I've been working there ever since 1st year. She has started to annoy me recently though. Don't get me wrong: I love her to bits, but it's just been enough for me. I have enjoyed taking care of her these three years, but I couldn't do it much longer. It's quite strenuous, as she is not very strong emotionally and I always have to listen to her stories and her nags. I know she needs that, and I have enjoyed being part of her support system, but I could not do it for the rest of my life. Of course I'll stay in touch though! We've become kind of friends over the years. I think everyone should have a caring job for a certain amount of time, just to see what it's like and to see how much you can do for someone else. I mean Ineke would be nowhere if it wasn't for the help she gets every day. It taught me also how lucky I am to be fit, both physically and mentally. How lucky I am that I don't need other people to help me every single day. I hope she won't cry when I say goodbye, but she probably will. Hard.

So this is my last working day. Last paperwork at uni, last working day at Ineke's. Tomorrow I'm off to see Dee in Almelo. She moves to Liverpool on Friday! Then I go visit my parents, as it's my mum's birthday on Thurday. And then I go to Denmark to see Derek, for a whopping two weeks! So looking forward to that! After that it's back home to my parents for 2 days and then off to my beloved Glasgow! YEAH! Probably typed this story here about 500X, but it is just so gooooood.

Anyway. Off to sort out the last paperwork now!


Friday, August 27, 2004

Stuff (as in things)

Goodness me! How much stuff can a person acquire in a mere 23 (nearly anyway) years??? It's just incredible! I thought i'd sorted most of it out already, but spent half of today throwing more out and packing up more. Mostly books that will have to go to my parents... Will miss not having my own wee library... Can't really send over 10 boxes full of books though can I? My life dream is to have a wall in my house covered in books (not very original, as my parents have a wall-filling bookcase...)! Just love books. Did send over all of my Scottish books and my Norton Anthology, as well as dictionaries (only half of my collection...) and books on "how to write". Also had to throw away lots of half-empty bottles of moisturiser, sunscreen etc. So much stuff! Crazy! Will pack my Glasgow-suitcase today so that mum can take it with her on Sunday. Quite complicated to think ahead of what I want to have with me in Denmark and what I'll only need later. Can't believe this will be the very last week in my Groningen house!

Am dying to leave though. Not feeling sad about it at all. Even throwing stuff away gives me a good feeling. Cleansing even. This way I can really have a fresh start! Of course I'm dying to go to Denmark to see Derek! Hope he'll survive two weeks with me, while working full-time;)! It will be a good test I think to see whether we won't feel like strangling each other after a while. I'm sure it will be fine, or rather that we'll have a lovely time together. Going to attempt not to spend so much money this time... not go out to dinner every day etc... We'll reserve that for the weekends.

Susanne arrives tomorrow! Yeah! We'll go shoping first, as she wants new shoes. I have to attempt not to buy anything, as I'm totally bankrupt as it is! Then we'll go home, have dinner and then go out. Should be fun! Probably my last night out in Groningen (before October 8th anyway), although I am tempted to go to the comedy and out after on Wednesday... We'll see.

Ok, enough blabbering for today!


Thursday, August 26, 2004


Will keep it short today... try to anyway!

Great day yesterday. Marjolein had lots to tell me and it was lovely to catch up with her. Then the stand-up comedy: great fun. Laughed a lot as always. They didn't seem to appreciate me as much with Fiona not there though! Was strange to be there without her. Cees' party was nice, though slightly on the quiet side. Stayed till 2am all the same!

Look forward to day of packing tomorrow and then out with Susanne on Saturday night. It's als "Gronings Ontzet" (when the city celibrates how Rabenhaupt saved "us" from the bishop of Münster on August 28 1672 (I would like to give you a link, but 1: I don't know how, and 2: they're all in Dutch so most of you wouldn't understand anyway)). It will be very busy in town, so that should be good!

Till soon!


Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Dear all,

On Monday night I went to the swimming pool (as I'm planning to join the swimming club again in Glasgow I am trying to build up my fitness levels...). It was way too crowded with people who can't really swim, and to make matters worse they played music from "TITANIC" (yes, the movie depicting the disaster with the famous ocean steamer, in which hundreds of people drowned) in the background! How am I supposed to swim when the water is below freezing and my love (Leonardo DiCaprio, yummy!) is dying in front of my eyes?

I seem to have a thing about water in general, because yesterday I got ready to go to Ineke's (the lady I work for), but Archibald (one of my cats) sneaked out the door. I threw him back in, and slammed the door closed. It was pooring with rain, and I realised I'd left my keys INSIDE! AAAH! Moreover I found out my brother didn't have any keys and the only person possibly having keys was Steven, my ex... So I walked/ran (anyone that's ever seen me run knows I did something other people would call walking fast) through the downpoor to his and rang the bell. After ringing three times he finally opened the door, half-naked and smelly. Thankfully he had kept a key. I really didn't want him to, but I guess in this situation it was lucky. So humiliating to have to be "saved" by your ex, especially if you hardly have any contact! Anyway. I made it to work in the end, drenched and 20 minutes late. I am not giving my ex "his" keys back, but will tell my brother that he should give a spare set of the keys to a good friend when he moves in!

Looking forward to a nice day today! Meeting dear friend Marjolein for lunch in half an hour, then do some more e-mailing, buy some new clothes (Derek: wink,wink;)) even though I don't have any money, go swimming tonight or to the stand-up comedy (hmm, difficult choice indeed!) and then go to Cees' graduation party! Great day basically!

Oh, I forgot. Dee called me yesterday! She's in Sweden with Alan and she decided to call me to check how I was doing and how my dissertation had progressed! So sweet! She's having a great time, and the weather though cool is at least dry (unlike here). Hope we can meet up before she moves to Liverpool. But I have rather a busy weekend ahead. I need to move my stuff to my parents, and I have an old friend from Coevorden, Susanne, coming over for a "wild" night out on Saturday.

So strange to really be getting ready to move, and really move, to Glasgow. It doesn't scare me, but it is just strange to realise that I am packing up my life and moving to another country. I mean for me it is very normal by now, but when I tell some of my friends, especially friends who still live in Coevorden, they think I'm nuts! They can't imagine feeling at home anywhere else than home. People also wander what my parents think of me moving to Glasgow. Well, frankly: I don't know! We've never really discussed it. We don't discuss these sort of life decisions in general. We talk about it, yes, but they let me make up my own mind. I just decided that that was what I needed and wanted to do, and they didn't try to persuade me otherwise. Think my parents know that it will make me happy, and my mother loves Scotland too so she is more than happy!

Anyway. This blog-thing is really getting out of hand... I'm sure no normal person wants to read all this, but it's nice to write it down anyway!


Monday, August 23, 2004


I know, I have already posted today...but just had to tell you what just happened to me!

I have this profile on a website where I used to go and chat (in my desperate single days;)!). I just logged on to check my mail there and then someone started chatting to me asking whether a person in my profile was called Fiona! And yes, it is, as there's a pic of her and me and some friends on my profile! This guy turned out to know her. So weird. The world is a small place eh?

Just needed to share that with you...


Trying not to be bored or down

Dear all (or no one...)!

Fell in a big black hole after I handed in the dissertation. Surely I should be happy, happy, happy after finally handing the bloody thing in, but no... Just makes it all the more obvious that all my friends are 1000km or more away and that I have absolutely NOTHING to do. Writing a dissertation at least gave me something to fill my day with!

Talked to Derek on Sunday. The highlight of my week! Made me laugh so much that I felt a lot better after that. He is enjoying his time in Denmark, and I am so happy about that. Know how great it is to do new things, meet new people, party! Promissed to not be so down and just go and DO something.

Today doing something means e-mailing, blogging, more e-mailing, texting, trying to stop myself from buying this gorgeous corset I saw (not scary kind of corset, just very pretty to wear as a top for going out!), and going swimming tonight. Tomorrow it's work, and Wednesday I have a graduation party of a good friend of mine. After that I guess I'll be busy getting my stuff packed up, as I'll move to my parents before I go to Denmark on september 3d, and after I get back from Denmark I move to Glasgow. Saturday I have an old friend coming over for a good night out! I know, enough fun things to look forward to!

Anyway... Back to the e-mailing and the texting, hehe!

Love xxx

Friday, August 20, 2004


Dear all,

I had such a great night out yesterday! Absolutely fabulous (though not in an AbFab sort of way). Went out to dinner first with Stefanie and her Aussie friend Belinda. Cheap pizza&beer: always good. Then we went to Sally's for a good old pint of lager (no Tennents: unfortunately I had to make do with Grolsh). Of course the city is crowded with 18-year old freshers at the moment, so Sally's is a good place to go because there at least there are some "older" people as well. Stefanie's brothers came over as well, and they made us drink like men, hehe. They were both really nice and funny. The whole family consists of avid travellers, so they have lots of crazy stories to tell. After a few hours we decided to go to Shadrak, but the couches there are way too comfortable (you fall asleep on them) so after that we went to De Drie, to the Sports cafe. There was gymnastics on a big screen: made me feel fat&old, at this age! Stefanie and Belinda left at about 4am, but I stayed for a bit and had a nice chat with Stefanie's older brother about his travels in Southern Africa. Feel so "untraveled" among all these backpacker-crazy people! Had a few more beers (too many my body now tells me) and went home at 5am! Haven't gone home that late since Fi left! Crazy! Guess I hadn't been out in ages, and I had just finished my dissertation, so I "deserved it".

It's back to the grind today. Dad has proof-read my dissertation, which took him a whole day!, and sent a revised version back to me with an accompanying explanation. So great he helps me with the last finishing touches! Gonna go and check it now, and then I send it over to Douglas and Alasdair (is being on a first-name basis with your professors a good thing?). Scary and so gooooooood as well!

Anyway... Hope my body is better soon. Bit woozy (is that a word? And if so does it mean what I mean? Not sure...). Hope to speak to Derek this weekend... I miss him so much. I know, I'm tragic.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004


It's me again (I am now officially an addict! already... BAD). Just wanted to say I cried today because "ons Tinus" (the nickname of speed-cyclist Leontien van Moorsel) won the time trial! Yeah! She fell in the road race, but now she won! Her fourth gold medal in the Olympics (she won three in Sydney). Tonight Pieter van den Hoogenband is swimming in the 100m free-style , so I'm hoping for another gold medal! It is always nice to see semi-naked men on the screen for a change;)!

Ok, I will really get back to work now, because this is getting rediculous...

It's DONE!

Dear all,

Thought I'd let you know that my dissertation is FINISHED! I will just send it to my dad to proof-read it and then I hand it in on Friday! Yippee! I know I'm about 3 months over schedule, but it's done now. Hope to get my grade in 2 or 3 weeks. I will celibrate getting my Master of Arts with Dee on October 8th (the date of her graduation) in Groningen, but I won't graduate on this date, and will get my "bul" (the "graduation piece of paper") sent to my parents instead. Of course I will have another chance to have a "real" graduation in December 2005, when I will, hopefully, graduate as a Master of Philosophy (in Scottish Literature). Anyway. Just gonna have a last wee look at my dissertation, before I send it to my dad. He is very meticulous and I would prefer to hear from him that there are no more mistakes left to correct!

Hope you're all well too!


Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Goodness me, why did I start another "diary"...? As if you're all not fed up enough with all my blabbering! The calls, the e-mail, the texts, and now you're also supposed to read my blog? Well, YES! If you want anyway...

Will start it properly once I get back to Glasgow and my true adventures begin:)!

For now, doei!

Love xxx