Thursday, September 30, 2004

I confess...

Thankfully I managed to convince Toby, an English guy I met at the PostGrad club last week, to join me in Tennent's to watch the game! All the other people I texted, all girls, mysteriously had other things to do. How surprising!

Game was crap in the first half, but in the second half Celtic actually looked really promissing, but as they don't seem to have any sort of luck away they managed to get two goals against them in the final minutes... 3-1 for bloody (excuse my language) AC Milan. Argh! Was good to be in Tennent's again to watch a game though!

After that Fiona managed to persuade me to go to the Shack, again... Terrible... I don't like it much generally, but last night it seemed worse than ever: an extension of the worst bits of the GU (for those of you in The Netherlands: Vindicat! AAH!). Rugby guys in baby blue shirts, cream trousers and ties everywhere. They acted like they own the place! Moreover I felt terribly over-dressed in jeans and a top without cleavage. All the girls in there seem to wear belts for skirts and shoes they can't walk on even then they're sober. I like the Garage so much better. I know why now. The difference is in class really. The Garage is equally cheesy music-wise, but there you find any type of person, and not just rugby boys and girly girls that try to pull them. Promissed myself to not go to the Shack anymore, at least not a lot. Just feel terribly out of place there. Everyone knows everyone as well, and I only know the people Fiona introduced me to.

Anyway. Not much news otherwise. Meeting my advisor tomorrow to figure out what courses to do etc. Exciting! Derek is still in pain, but it's getting better. Working from home and taking it easy. I hope he can go to work again next week, and that he's able to catch up. very afraid this will mean he won't come to visit in November... as he needs all his time now. Sad. But I understand he wants to make the very best of this placement. I'll cope! "Only" 3 months to go...

Back again soon!


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