Thursday, December 16, 2004

Merry Christmas and a Sparkling Hogmanay to Everyone!!!!

Enjoy the Holidays!

Love and a BIG hug xxx

Christmas do's (how do you spell do in plural?) and hair

Dear all,

Yesterday I had Christmas lunch at Fiona's with Fiona (duh!), Kelly and Susan. That was lovely. Had chicken in stead of turkey, but did have all the other traditional things. My first real traditional British Christmas meal! After that we went to the SESLL (School of English and Scottish Language and Literature) drinks thing. Disappointingly no Scottish Literature tutors turned up! Free wine, so people got quite plastered. I was way too full from the meal though, and in stead of going out, I just went home after. Boring me!

Yesterday I dyed my hair. Was fed up with my own boring colour, so it's now goldeny blonde with subtle high lights. Close to my own colour, but just that little bit more exciting;). Today I went to the hairdresser to get it cut, and it looks lovely now!

Then I went to uni to finish my essay... I've nearly nearly nearly finished it. Seriously should have started it later, closer to that deadline, because this way I just keep changing it, which is a bit sad... But it seems to be about as good as I want it to be, so I should be ok. Meeting Helene at 4pm for coffee, or maybe drinks&dinner, so I will print it out before I think. Hand it in tomorrow at the Scottish Literature lunch. Still bit scared... but I guess I'll be fine. Have written so many essays in my time! (that sounds like I'm ancient!)

Back here soon! Many exciting prospects: meet up with Helene, go out with friends of Derek's tomorrow, go out for drinks with Meena on Saturday, Christmas get-together with PostGrads Sunday, try not to think about Derek all Monday, as that's when he gets back, and then finally, on Tuesday I see Derek again! YEAH! Can't wait.


Monday, December 13, 2004


Dear all,

Christmas is nearly here! Yeah! Meena and me got a Christmas tree on Saturday and decorated it. So lovely to smell the tree when you come into the living room:). Also wrote all my (27!!!) Christmas cards. Let's hope I get more than 6 back this year! The problematic thing is that all this Christmassy stuff makes me feel like I'm on holiday... Which means I've not done too much work on the essay over the weekend... Oopsy! Should be able to finish it over the next two days though.

Spoke to Derek on Sunday. He's working so so hard. Hope he'll get a great grade for his placement and report. I'm sure he will:). Was so good to talk about what we'll do when he's back. Can't believe I'll see him in 8 days! Three months has been way too llllloooonnnnngggggg. We booked a table at a nice restaurant and we'll have the house to ourselves, so that will be nice:). Cuddle up in front of the fire:).

Will have a busy week socially, as well workwise. Lots of Christmas parties and lunches. Great:). Also finally gonna get my hair cut. Have been wanting to for the past three months, but never had the money (a cut costs £35 on average! OUTRAGEOUS!). Will look extra pretty when Derek gets back:).

Back to work now!

Enjoy the holidays!


Monday, December 06, 2004

Another computer update and general misery

Dear all,

My computer has decided to totally go mental on me (and yes, I do know it does what I want, not the other way round, and it's not a living being etc.etc.-> I'm still sure it did it on PURPOSE!). I thought it would be ok once I had taken the old keyboard off, but it turns out it's not. Last time I checked it was opening word-docs by itself, not responding to the keys and typing in the word-docs it openened. I was so brave as to try and use the recovery-cd (after checking I had backups of everything, as I couldn't get the files to save to D in stead of the C drive), but as it doesn't respond to the keys I couldn't follow the instructions. Decided not to touch it anymore and e-mail the company (in the Netherlands: JOY) that I bought it from to ask whether I can get it fixed here on their costs (if it turns out to be a problem of their making; it can hardly be a virus as it's never been connected to the internet and I haven't done any meddling). Otherwise I'll have to wait till I'm in the Netherlands in January... unless it turns out to be easily fixed by cetain people with knowledege of computers (although I don't want to bother anyone with it).

Couldn't sleep last night because of this, and because of anxiety over the question whether I can still write essays... Stupid I know. Of course I can:)! Hmmm, it doesn't sound so convincing in my head somehow. I live in a slight fear that one of these days they will discover that I can't actually write and that they will find me out... Scary. I know it's silly...

Apart from all this SHIT I'm ok, really (how convincing I sound eh?). I had my new friend Helene for dinner on Saturday, which was really nice. So good to be making new friends:).

Will try to cheer up!

Love u all

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Computer update and wine

Dear all,

I think I have sorted out the problem with the laptop (or rather Derek told me what the problem most probably is!): It's just the old keyboard I attached to it. That's probably fucked, so it's sending random data to the laptop. I've disconnected the keyboard, so it should be ok now. If not...we'll see what to do next!

On Thursday I went to dinner at Fi's. We had a bottle of wine with the meal and then decided we really should go out. So we went to Oran Mor. Had a few more bottles of wine there. Yes, you are reading this right... We got drunk. Very BAD! Was so hung over the next day... Stupid me. Couldn't eat till 6pm! Why did we do that to ourselves...? God knows.

Tonight my new friend Helene is coming for dinner. Really looking forward to that. Was going to cook her pasta with smoked salmon, spinach and cheese sauce, but it turns out she doesn't like salmon! So doing it with chicken in stead. Hope that works out ok.

Back again soon!
