Sunday, April 03, 2005

How Not To Get Robbed

Dear all,

I am in Liverpool at the moment, visiting my best friend Dieuwerke (Dee for non-English speakers). Great to spend some time with her. Liverpool is a nice place too. Nice shops and pubs and we went to the theatre on Friday.

On the way back from the theatre, at about 11pm, we decided to take the bus to be safe. Across the street from Dee we got off the bus. We crossed the first half of the double cariage way and then waited to cross the second half. It was very busy. We noticed some youths behind us kicking a cup of ice about. We were about to cross when one of them suddenly grabbed my bag and ran! I held on to the handle, but it snapped... I didn't even scream, I just said "They've got my bag, they've got my bag!" and then started sobbing. It was just so horrible! I realised I had absolutely everything in that bag, my keys, all my bank cards, my phone, my European ID card. I just panicked. We went into the house and went upstairs. Dee was a star: she made me a cup of tea and helped me to calm down. I immediately called my dad to ask for the numbers of my Dutch bank, to immediately block my credit card. I then just started calling all the important people. They were so helpful, and after a while I could even laugh. But then I really just wanted to talk to Derek. I had all my phone numbers in my phone, so I called 118118, only to discover his number is not listed! I just started crying again. I then called Meena, who thankfuly had his mobile number. I called him and that made me feel better. Strangely he had already switched his phone off, then decided to switch it back on, with me ringing minutes later! He must have felt it or something;). I then also called Virgin to block my phone. They will sned me a new sim with the same number though, which is great. I love to imagine what those guys thought when they realised they just got £4 and a crap, old phone! Hehe. Unfortunately it is an awful lot of hastle for me... On Saturday me and Dee went into the police station to report it. The police man was very sweet. Made me feel better too. Also sent everyone an e-mail asking for their numbers, as they were all in my phone. Also tried to contact the embassy, but they are all closed over the weekend! Crazy! Also need a birth certificate to get a new ID...

How could I have prevented this? I mean we took the bus to be safe! It is rediculous!!!!!!! Feel afraid on the street now, and I am also very suspicious of groups of black youths. I don't want to feel like that! Don't want to judge people for what they look like! Horrible.

Trying to enjoy my time here, and I am. Won't let them ruin my time with my friend. We went on a nice walk yesterday, and today we went to Chester which was really nice. Tonight we're going out dancing and I am going to try my very best not to be scared!

Love you all! And thank you for all your sweet messages!

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