Thursday, April 28, 2005

Life is hard...

Dear all,

Had a lovely lovely weekend with Derek. On Friday we went to Cumbernauld to celebrate his mum's birthday. We went to a great Chinese restaurant. Lovely food:). Thought it was so nice I got invited to such a family-thing:).

We spent Saturday in Cumbernauld and took the train to Glasgow in the evening. The next day we went to Tennents for the Old Firm! Always fun. Not so much fun for Derek though, as Celtic won 2-1! Hehe! In the afternoon we wanted to do some work in the park, but it turned out that even I am affected by the Scottish ability to totally overestimate the temperature. We were sitting in the sun with our jackets on and after about 5mins we were absolutely FREEZING! Other people were walking around in skirts and flip-flops though! Don't think I'll ever be that hardy. Sunday evening I was a bit emotional for some reason (hormones being one of them). Just suddenly felt like I'd never find a job! Bit crazy. Derek has very good shoulder to cry on though and he managed to cheer me up:). After that we went to the Uisge Beatha. Hadn't been for so long. Had such a lovely evening. Promised ourselves we'd go much more often once exams are over.

Monday was horrible! I was still slightly depressed and I was trying to write my CV, which didn't help. Then Derek suddenly walked into the library and asked me to come outside for a second. I got really worried, because it sounded really serious. He then told me that he'd had a e-mail from Agilent telling him he doesn't have the job. He was so pooped about that. The e-mail (see said that he was their number one candidate for this one position and that they had really wanted him to work for them but that due to 'restructuring' the job got cancelled!!! How sad is that! Guess it is better than hearing you're not good enough... It's just that he was so sure he would get it, and looking back was right to be too!!!, and then this happens. Moreover his friend Andy (who has about the same qualifications) did get a job there, and so did another guy from the Glasgow Uni Computing department. Life is not fair... Only positive things about Monday were that we had an ice-cream in the sunshine and that I sent my CV to the Dutch Consulate. Quite exciting, even though I know they don't have any vacancies the now.

On Wednesday I went to the Careers Service for some advice. That was really good actually. Very helpful advice on how to make my CV even better and also found out their information centre is very useful indeed. Glad I went!

Still no essay finished (or really started, apart from the first paragraph)... Want to have at least some of it done before mum arrives (she arrives tomorrow:)!). Really looking forward to showing her my wee (or not so wee really) house and for her to meet Derek's parents on Saturday. His dad will come and pick us up in the Jaguar: my mum is all excited as she loves Jags. Let's hope she likes them too. Not too worried about it though.

I'm off to do work on the essay. Derek will be here tonight: cooking him nice (hopefully) Mediterranean couscous dish. We'll pick mum up together tomorrow.

Back soon!


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