Monday, November 28, 2005

Graduation & real life is hard...;)

Dear all,

I graduated!!!!! Yesterday I graduated from the University of Glasgow with an MPhil in Scottish Literature. From now on you will therefore have to refer to me as Mariken Schipper MA MPhil;). Only joking of course. I had a nice day with my family, my mum, dad and Jan are over, and Derek. I will miss being a student so very much though...

Life as a full-time employee is really not as easy as I thought. I mean I am very very very happy an grateful to have a reasonably well-paid job, in a lovely team of people, don't get me wrong, and I am very very happy with the pay I receive each week too, but it is hard to get up at 6.55am each morning (yes, that's BEFORE 7am). If, like me, you have been a student for the past 5 years, used to doing things in your own time and used to getting up whenever you felt like it, it is really quite tiring. I now understand why people don't feel like cooking when they get home, and why people are tired by the weekend.

Tonight me, my parents, and my brother will travel to Cumbernauld to have dinner at Derek's house. His dad is cooking venison for us. My mum has met the family before, but my dad and brother haven't. Quite exciting and scary really, but I'm sure we'll have a good time!

Back soon!

Lots of love,

xxx xxx xxx

1 comment:

Steeven said...

CONGRATULATIONS Mariken Schipper MA MPhil!!!! Yes some aspects of "real life" suck but hey!! you get to be paid for your work and that can be pretty useful at times.