Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Dear all,

On Saturday I went to a Halloween party in Kelvinhaugh Gate, with a Chilean friend of mine called Carmen. It was a Murano-style flat party with lots of drunken, predomintantly American and Canadian, students everywhere. Did get to meet a few nice people tho, and had a good night.

I went dressed up as Poison-Ivy, and although I don't look like Uma Thurman at all(sadly), and wasn't wearing a very tight green licra (I would say that isn't advisable for most people and certainly not for me) dress or had dyed my hair bright red, people still recognised me as such. Just used the fake ivy from my rooom and applied green eye-shadow and hair gel.

By the time I wanted to go home I decided I couldn't really walk back in the middle of the night through not the best bits of Glasgow, so I found two guys, who were going to Milngavie, to share a cab with. They wanted to stay for a bit though, and then the taxi took 40mins to arrive...so by the time I got home it was 3am (and that was after the clocks were turned back!). Was a lot safer that way though.

Only bad thing was a random guy who said who could speak Dutch and consequenlty asked me "wil je met me neuken" (yes it means exactly what you think it does!) while he obviously knew what that meant...sad. Simply replied with "No thanks". Worked.

Have to go now, as will be logged off in 3 mins... Gerard arrives tomorrow afternoon, so will have a lot to tell you next time probably:)!


1 comment:

Duncan said...

Hi Mariken!

Did you enjoy the Old Firm game on Wed? I take it you weren't too happy with the score, being a Celtic fan and all?

Sorry I didn't make it out to the Tennent's pub - considered coming in for the 2nd half but I just felt like sitting in the flat and having a quiet night. I wouldn't exactly have been fantastic company anyway.

Forgot the name of your French lawyer pal - who is he again?

Anyway, I'm off. Take care.
