Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Dear all,

You've not heard from me in a while because Simone, my friend and former flat mate, was here for a few days.

I picked her up from Central Station on Thursday night. She was so happy to see me! I was very happy to see her too. We'd not seen each other for more than a year! Crazy... We went home and had a few glasses of wine and some oat cakes with bluye cheese. Yum! She loved the flat.

On Friday we met Cees, who was visiting for a few days with his girlfriend, and had lunch at the PostGrad club. Then we walked into town and went shopping. Simone bought Christmas cards becauseshe thinks the ones here are so much nicer. Friday night I introduced her to the Loft, the bar that is now above the newly built Grosvenor cinema. She loved it. It's gorgeous and it looks like it has always been there. The we went to the QM, for Cheesy Pop. Had a great night apart from one strange incident that befall me... A random (according to Simone that is my new word) guy was dancing up to me, in the sense that he was rubbing his crotch up against me. Bleh:(! I pushed him away, obviously!, and when his friend pushed him even further Simone and me thanked him. That friend must have told him or something, because suddenly he came storming back and pushed his finger into my cheek. That really hurt, and even if it didn't, I don't want some random guy to touch me! I got really angry and slapped him on the back. He then showed me his middle finger and 5mins later even launched his drink at me, most of which unfortunately landed on Simone... God I was so angry! The rest of the night I was kind of paranoid, as I didn't really remember what he looked like and kept thinking I saw him. Stupid... Anyway.

On Saturday we went to Glasgow Green and we went to to People's Palace and the Barrows. Especially the People's Palace is really good. Hadn't been there, or at least not since I was like twelve. Saturday night Fiona came for dinner. We had some wine and some nice food and chatted away. Simone and her seemed to get on really well, so that was nice. We went to Gong after that and Simone and me left when it closed.

The next day we were supposed to go out with Emma at night, but that didn't work out. We did go out to dinner, to the lovely Spanish tapas restaurant just off Byres Road. Great! The we went to Jinty's for a few pints. The next day I went to my lecture at 12 and Simone met up with her professor. After that we went to prestwick to meet up with Emma. Had a lovely afternoon with her, and her mum even cooked us dinner! They brought Simone to the airport and then I took the train home... Had a very busy night after that, as I had heaps of cathcing up to do. it was worth it though! Gonna try and work hard the next couple of days so that I will have time for Gerard when he arrives next Wednesday.

No plans for Halloween yet. Might go out with some of Derek's friends if they are going.

Talking about Derek's friends...

Iain (I'm assuming you spell it like that) I am really sorry I confused you with Chris! Have met so many new people recently and I have never been a star remembering names... Please forgive me:)!

Anyway, will be logged off very soon! Gonna try and get a contract phone tomorrow, as my old one is very much dying on me, and get new boots, as the old ones died when I was in Groningen. Then back to the grind to do some more work on my IT-thing as well as a lot of reading. Reading week next week, so can read instead of going to all my classes, before Gerard arrives.


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