Saturday, November 20, 2004


Gee, the titles of these posts get more and more creative every day!

Yesteday afternoon I went to Blairhill (dunno if you spell it like that. Sure hope Blair has nothing to do with it!), where Craig, Fiona's boyfriend lives. We cooked a nice dinner, pasta with spinach, salmon and blue cheese sauce: yummy! The sauce was a bit of a Bridget Hones-moment though, as it was very green from the cheese. It tasted lovely though. The we took a cab to Airdrie to go to the "Rock Garden" to watch some of Craig's friends play. It was fun, and quite good even some of it. The only downside was my migrain and the fact that it was about -5 in there! In the ladies you could see your own breath! Crazy. Aparently the heating engineer was coming in the morning. I was so brave as to complain and I think it was because of me that they got a wee portable heater thing. Was slightly better after that. Few drinks helped also. Only had like 5 (between 9pm and 2am), as my head was killing me. Fiona got pretty wrecked, which was quite funny. She took loads of pics also. One of Craig's friends is exactly like Derek. Very strange. Of course he's not as sexy, sweet, gorgeous, cuddly and funny as Derek, but he did remind me of him a lot. Same sense of style, same sort of hair, soft spoken. Weird!

Craig drove me home this afternoon and I finally got to talk to Derek. Have been a bit of a silly depressive the past couple of days, so it was very good to have a wee chat. Miss him so much... Only 4 weeks to go! I'll be ok...

It is absolutely BALTIC out here. So so so cold. Freezes at night and during the day it is only slightly above zero. BRRRRR. Glad Derek gave me a big scarf for my birthday. Nice and warm.

Booked flights to The Netherlands for me and Derek for January 20-23. Yippy! Gonna have a very, very late Sinterklaas celebration with my brother and parents. Better late than never! Couldn't really afford the flights, but hey, it's worth it. Haven't been home since October after all, and I am already away for both Christmas and Hogmanay.


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