Saturday, April 14, 2007

Good news all round

Dear all,

Life is treating me well. Work is enjoyable and life in general is indeed fab too. Some of my future plans are shaping up quite well, which is very exciting!

First of all Derek and I are moving house on the 6th of May (see below post). We're both really looking forward to that. It is going to be great! Lots of wee independent shops to buy our fruit, veg, meat etc from, nice pubs and restaurants to enjoy, Parkers Piece swimming pool only 5 minutes away, work closer by and town too. Does it get better than that?

Secondly I am going to start another Postgraduate course in October, if all goes well. I have been thinking a lot recently about my personal and professional development and on my investigations I came across this. I have decided that if I want to take a serious shot at a career in HE management this certificate is a great place to start. I have asked Wolfson whether there is a possibility that they will help me with the cost, so fingers crossed.

And thirdly I should really not be writing this as I am currently writing a review of James Robertson's The Testament of Gideon Mack for Laura Hird's website. Unfortunately, for me anyway, not the book or the author!, Robertson's book was featured on Richard and Judy's book club, which meant that the publisher decided not to send me a copy as they probably felt there was enough publicity already. Laura sent me her copy, but because of the delay I just missed the deadline for Issue 17. The next issue is due after June 15th, and I am a bit worried my review will by then be a bit of an afterthought, but I guess it is a good start and good practice for me! I am enjoying reading and writing about what I read very much anyway, and plan to review another book for new issue.

Apart form all this great news summer has arrived very early indeed and I have already been out in shorts (!). Crazy.

Hope you are all happy and healthy too:)!


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