Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Electoral Reform

Aparently I am all for electoral reform:

Electoral Reform

Key: FPPTP = First Past the Post; AMS = Additional Member System; SYV = Single Transferable Vote; JAV+ = Jenkins Alternate Vote Plus; PLS = Party List System; CC = Cellular Constituencies. For explanations of these systems, please read the electoral reform FAQ. For more information about electoral reform in general, visit the Electoral Reform Society or Make My Vote Count.

AMS -8
JAV+ -21
PLS 39
CC 46

You should support: Cellular'>http://www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com/index.php?s=content&p=erfaq#cc">Cellular Constituencies (CC). Each voter casts a single vote for a party with the number of seats in the House of Commons a party wins being directly proportional to its share of the vote. The country is split into constituency cells for each party, their size dependent upon the number of MPs the party has, and the local parties within these cells select the candidate to represent them. Every voter therefore has an MP representing their area from a party for which they have voted. CC is certain to deliver coalition governments.

Take the test at Who Should You Vote For

Are you?


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