Friday, July 08, 2005

Derek's graduation & utter sadness

It was Derek's graduation day yesterday. Thankfully I did not catch the news before, so we had a lovely, sunny, happy day in celebration of his fantastic achievement. I'm so so proud of him!!! He looked so cute in his robe! I watched the ceremony on the screen in the Hunter Halls together with Katie. He only had two tickets, so his parents were the only ones in Bute Hall. It was very impressive.

After the ceremony we took some pictures and then we went to Tennents for a wee drink (yes, BEFORE lunch! In true Scottish style;)). Derek had booked a table in Mimmo's and we had lunch with his parents and sister. So nice to be part of the celebrations; I felt like part of the family:).

We were still blissfully unaware of the horrible news from London. We got home and took a nap and then when the radio alarm went off we heard the terrible news. I was just so shocked it make me feel sick to my stomach. We watched the news, but decided we would meet Derek's friends in town for drinks as was the plan. I mean: what can you do. It turned out to be a nice night in the end, even though I was sad. I am glad I could not glue myself to the tv as I probably would have done had I been home. As you probably know I am a news-addict...

This morning we watched the news for a couple of hours. It is unimaginable what the people in those carriages must have gone though. My thoughts are with everyone that got caught up in this. Thankfully my dear friend Marieke is ok, as she said: " I had luck". All my other friends who have friends in London say that their friends are ok too. Thank God for that.

I don't know what else to say about it...

Hope you're all well.

Lots of love,

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