Thursday, September 30, 2004

I confess...

Thankfully I managed to convince Toby, an English guy I met at the PostGrad club last week, to join me in Tennent's to watch the game! All the other people I texted, all girls, mysteriously had other things to do. How surprising!

Game was crap in the first half, but in the second half Celtic actually looked really promissing, but as they don't seem to have any sort of luck away they managed to get two goals against them in the final minutes... 3-1 for bloody (excuse my language) AC Milan. Argh! Was good to be in Tennent's again to watch a game though!

After that Fiona managed to persuade me to go to the Shack, again... Terrible... I don't like it much generally, but last night it seemed worse than ever: an extension of the worst bits of the GU (for those of you in The Netherlands: Vindicat! AAH!). Rugby guys in baby blue shirts, cream trousers and ties everywhere. They acted like they own the place! Moreover I felt terribly over-dressed in jeans and a top without cleavage. All the girls in there seem to wear belts for skirts and shoes they can't walk on even then they're sober. I like the Garage so much better. I know why now. The difference is in class really. The Garage is equally cheesy music-wise, but there you find any type of person, and not just rugby boys and girly girls that try to pull them. Promissed myself to not go to the Shack anymore, at least not a lot. Just feel terribly out of place there. Everyone knows everyone as well, and I only know the people Fiona introduced me to.

Anyway. Not much news otherwise. Meeting my advisor tomorrow to figure out what courses to do etc. Exciting! Derek is still in pain, but it's getting better. Working from home and taking it easy. I hope he can go to work again next week, and that he's able to catch up. very afraid this will mean he won't come to visit in November... as he needs all his time now. Sad. But I understand he wants to make the very best of this placement. I'll cope! "Only" 3 months to go...

Back again soon!


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Fitba Buddies...&Shoes

Dear all,

I am trying desperately to find people to come watch the fitba (AC Milan-Celtic, which is on TONIGHT!) with me in Tennent's. Texted all the postgrads I met last week, and tried to lure them by telling them it would be a "truely Glaswegian experience" (aye, I sound like a tourist guide...), but none of them have said yes (yet, I guess there is still time). AAH! I might have to go to Tennent's alone... I mean I will, because there is no other means for me to watch it, as it's on Sky Sports. Anyway. I'll be brave!

Bought a really cute pair of shoes. I am getting my boots rehealed and just got new trainers, but I couldn't resist them at a mere £20... BAD girl!


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Poor Derek&Help

Dear all,

I totally forgot to tell you last time that my dearest Derek had a bike accident last Wednesday... The poor thing badly hurt his knee and cannot move very well now. That means he is stuck at home! Wish I could fly over for a few days to take care of him...

I am trying to pick my courses now, but that is proving difficult... Don't know what to pick and how things work! Hope to make an appointment with my supervisor very soon, because I need some help.

Then the amazing story of my lost tuition fees cheque... I am so STUPIT (Glaswegian for stupid, for those of you that think I can't spell)! I went to the registry on Friday with my £3010 cheque, but they turned out to be on a lunch break. I had to go catch a bus to Edinburgh after that, and I was starting to worry about having to walk round with a £3000 cheque all day! A woman came out of the office and asked me if she could help. I explained and then she told me to give her the cheque and she would sort it out for me. I went home relieved. But that night I had my mum on the phone and it suddenly dawned on me that MY details weren't on the cheque, but the BANK'S! Oopsy! That meant they had no means of identifying whose money that was! God, I was worried all weekend. I went to the registry just now and thankfully they had kept the cheque seperate, and I found the lady I had given it to. So I now have a receipt that proves that I did pay! Jippy (well, I would have preferred to have kept it to myself, but hey I guess pursueing (how do you spell that?) your dream doesn't come cheap!)!

Friday afternoon I took the bus to Edinburgh to go to Barbara's to get my stuff. Was lovely to see her again. Packed the car and drove back to Glasgow. We had a pint in Tennents and then she went back home. Will take her on a good night out very soon. I put all my things in their place in my room, which now finally looks like my room. That night Emma came over for a good night out. Went to the church at the end (Great Western Rd end) of Byres Rd. They turned it into a club and bar/restaurant. I like the bar, as it's got no music and a nice atmosphere, but I'm not sure about the club bit. The crowd is a bit older and the music was a bit old as well. Not sure. It is an easy choise though, as it's only down the road!

Hope that Derek is better soon. He made a short trip to the shops yesterday, but he was very sore after. It's just so sad that he is losing precious time on his placement this way. And it makes me even sadder to think he is in pain. Hope he can call me soon, but as he can only call me from work I'm not sure that's going to happen soon...


Sunday, September 26, 2004


Dear all

I am internetting in a pone box and its a nightmare! Uni is closed today and tomorrow...

Just needed to tell you I will graduate in Groningen after all! Hopefully anyway. Dee got a message that said so, but trying to open my mail here proves difficult...

Let you know how things stand on Tuesday!


Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Decided to just go back to black... Boring...

Today I finally met some of my fellow MPhil Postgrad students. Weirdly enough there turns out not to be an actual taught course for this course (yes, that does make sense! stay with me) but that we can just pick and choose from the lectures and seminars available in the ScotLit department (and even other departments). Strange. There are three essay deadlines and of course the dissertation deadline in September for us and some proscribed texts, but that is it! Crazy! Of course I have to enrole (do you spell it like that?) for some courses, but even then I am not required to do the course work or anything. Not sure I am 'grown-up' enough to handle all this freedom! It does mean however that I will be extremely flexible, which is good. Have the next 1,5 week to figure out what I want to do and how and when...

Yesterday I met Fiona's new boyfriend, Craig. He seems nice and they seem to get on really well. Nice to see her happy and calm again!

My money got taken off my Dutch account today! Yeah! Not transfered yet, but it might even arrive tomorrow, in time before my matriculation! That would be a miracle though. Am sure my Dutch bank is keeping it somewhere to make money from it (which is what banks do to make money I guess, so can't really blame them). Praying for that miracle. Sure hope I will get my picture taken again for my matric card. Don't know if some of you remember the pic my old one had, but I looked like a whale on it (not so strange considering I was 10k heavier then that I am now)! Matric number still the same, so that makes life easy.

Bit sad the now, as I was hoping to catch Derek on MSN... and I MISSED him. F*ck! Excuse my language. You can use MSN messenger over the web now, without downloading it, on So do all get a (free) hotmail address to chat to me!

Off to the lovely (that seems to be my favourite word) vintage shops now:)! Will try not to buy stuff... Had never discovered these, but there is this whole lane of them just off Byres Road. Great for nice vintage clothes.


Monday, September 20, 2004

DISSERTATION GRADE, Glasgow, Glasgow, Glasgow

Dear all,

I have an 8!!!!!!!!!!! for my dissertation!!!!!! (that's a B1, or even a low A, not sure exactly...). So extremely happy with that!

No I'm not blue, but my room (and that's the approximate colour) is. It is so lovely!

On Saturday mum brought me to Zwolle where I was supposed to get the train that takes me straight to Schiphol. Unfortunately (though not surprising) the train didn't run because they were working on the tracks... so that meant I had to change trains all the same in Amsterdam. Managed ok though. Was HOME early in the afternoon. Felt so good to finally land on Glasgow ground and to finally go to my new flat and meet my new flat mate. Meena seems really nice, and I'm sure we'll get on really well. We have a similar taste in music and in TV-programs also so that's a good sign. The flat is just amazing. Still cannot believe that I live in the heart of the West End! The flat is big and airy, with high ceilings. We have a big living room and a big room each, a huge hall way, a nice bathroom with bath, a small kitchen, and a spare room. It is just so good. Moved the furniture in my room around and put some pics on the wall to make it look more my own, and it will look even better once I get my stuff that's still in Edinburgh. Hope to go to Edinburgh coming weekend, so that I can pack the car with Babs and we can drive back together and then I can take her for a night out.

Sorting out some paperwork today. Made a appointment with my supervisor, handed in some forms, checked ou the boookshop and went to the registry. Had some problems with the bank, and can't pay my tuition fees at matriculation, but that turns out not to be a big problem, as long as I pay before the end of October (surely my bank should be able to manage that!).

Off home now to talk to Derek! More paperwork tomorrow...


Friday, September 17, 2004

Derek, Denmark, Derek, Derek

Dear all,

Thought I'd write my blog in red today, as it is the color of the Danish flag, the colour of love and the colour (most importantly) of my new trainers!

Have quite a lot of catching up to do as I haven't posted in a amazing 13 days. You must have missed me terribly...

On Friday September 3d I left for Aarhus at 12 in the afternoon. They had advised me to be waiting at the bus stop about 30mins in advance, so that's what I did. By 12 'o clock I was wandering why there was still no bus... Suddenly I saw a coach standing on the other side of the road. I ran towards it (with my huge bag!) and was just able to wave it down, though with great danger to my own life, as I was standing in the middle of a very busy road. Turned out they had changed the bus stop without bothering to let anyone know! Fucking hell! Excuse my language... Anyway. I made it. The bus journey was very easy, as i only had to change once, in Hamburg. Ten hours in a bus isn't the greatest thing in the world, but if you want to travel cheap it's a good option. At 10pm I arrived at Aarhus, where Derek came to pick me up. Was so so so good to see him again. We took the train to Bjerringbro where a lovely curry, that Derek had prepared earlier, was waiting for us.

The next day we went to Aarhus (Andy (Derek's friend who is also on his placement), Derek&me) to enjoy the cultural festival. It was quite shite really, but Aarhus is a nice city and we also had gorgeous weather. Spent most of the afternoon in "The Cockney Pub" enjoying a few pints of lovely Deuchars that they sold there. Went for a lovely meal on the canal-side after that and then off home as we were all dead tired and slightly tipsy after all that beer. On Sunday Derek and me went for a nice bike ride. We went to a lovely lake close to Bjerringbro. Weather was still gorgeous, so we sunbathed for a bit.

On Monday Derek and Andy had to go back to work unfortunately... so that meant them getting up at 6am to go to work! I stayed in bed till 9 most days and spent my days watching telly, doing the shopping and the cleaning and sunbathing. Lovely, although it did make me feel like I was a house-wife, which is definately not oneof my ambitions! Because they go to work wo early they do get home around 4pm, which is great. That meant I still had some afternoon and evening to spend with Derek. Especially liked watching "The Office" together.

On Thursday Andy left to pick up his girlfriend Amy from the airport in Aarhus. Derek and me went to the local Italian for dinner. Lovely food. It was quite complicated to order though as the owners only spoke Italian and Danish. The next day I spent watching telly again, and talking to Amy. When the boys were back we went to the supermarket to get some food and beer. Most of the evening was filled with jokes about the sweets Derek discovered call "spunk". Crazy! That night we fist went to the local pub/dancing "Christiansborg". Amy really wanted some proper dancing though, so we went to the local nightclub (if you can call it that). It was filled with 16-year-olds and the music was crap, but we had a good time anyway! Bit to much of a good time really, as both Amy and me had quite a bad hangover the next day... On Saturday I went to Viborg with Derek. Lovely town. Walked around and sat on the lake side for a while. Then went to a Mexican for dinner. Lovely, lovely! On Sunday we had planned to go to Silkeborg to see the "Tollund man" (peat body), but we managed to miss the bus. We decided to go to Skive, even though the place wasn't even mentioned in the "Lonely Planet guide"... How daring of us eh? First thing Derek said when the train drove into the town was: "It looks just like Cumbernauld..." (In plain English: it looks awfull). I will definitely send the Lonely Planet people a letter to recommend to put Skive in the next version of their guide to Denmark as it was one of the most fantastic places I've ever been to! We walked into the town center to discover that there was absolutely no one about (even though it was the last day of some kind of festival...) and that there was nothing to do or see. We spent most of our time in two of the pubs and took some random pictures. Crap place, but a lovely day all the same. Just had a lot of fun with Derek! We had dinner in the Greek restaurant, which was fabulous, and went home.

On Monday it was back to work again... I spent most of the time watching telly again. BAD! Brought five books, and didn't even finish one! Just fed up with reading for a bit I guess. Felt good to have absolutely nothing to do for a while. On our last night Derek and me went out to dinner again (for the fifth time in 12 days! Not as bad as our usual every day though), to the "West End". A lovely cosy restaurant with lovely food.

The next day I had to go home... So so sad. The power was down in the morning with made packing last things fun! Took the train to Aarhus and then the two busses again... bloody 10 hours! The trains home to my parents, so 14 hours on the road all in all. Definitely worth it though!

Missing Derek a lot, but going to Glasgow tomorrow, so I am very excited also. Can't wait to see my flat and meet Meena!

Write again soon!


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Saying goodbye

Dear all,

Gosh, this thing really is getting out of hand... but I'll just keep on posting! Can't help it; I'm an addict!

I am well. Butterflies in my stomach all the time because of all the exciting prospects. Can't believe I'll see Derek again tomorrow. Also can't believe we've been together for nearly 6!!! months! I know that we've not seen each other all that much (all in all probably about 5,5 weeks), but still! On the one hand it feels like it's only been two months, but on the other hand it feels like we've been together for even longer. It feels good, and that's more important than anything.

I had a bit of a crazy day on Tuesday. I wanted to go to the registry to tell them I had finished my studies, and my supervisor had told me he would take care of the paperwork later. But once I was there, on the 31st, they told me that that was the very last day for the paperwork to be handed in! Oopsy! It took me about 30mins to locate my supervisor, and thankfully he completed it in minutes. I still dunno the grade I'll get for my dissertation, only that I've passed. Still waiting on Douglas' reply... I'm trying to be patient!

I visited Dee yesterday. She'll be on her way to Liverpool very shortly! I'm gonna miss her so so so much. Her and Alan are still so happy together. I'm so happy for them! They might find a house for just the two of them. It will be quite different, living together after having been far apart for so long, but I'm sure they'll do really well. Nearly started crying when I said goodbye yesterday. I know I'll see her on October 8th though. We'll have a BIG party which should be good. Then I'm off to my parents to celibrate my 23d birthday. Goodness, 23 already. Life goes really fast!

At my parents now. We talked yesterday about how they feel about me moving to Glasgow. Mum is really chuffed and thinks it's wonderful that I'm fulfilling my dream and dad feels the same, although I'm sure he would have preferred me to move to a mediteranean country or something. They don't feel sad to "lose" me. Didn't think they would, but after seeing other peoples' reactions it did make me wonder. Mum's birthday today. Will give her a voucher for a return ticket to Glasgow, so that she can come visit me. We're also planning to go to the Outer Hebrides together in the summer, as Jan and Dad are planning to go cycling together. Never been that far up north or out west, so really looking forward to that already.

I'll be in a bus for 7 hours tomorrow... But it's worth it! Arrive in Aarhus at 10pm. Good that it's the weekend first, so that Derek won't have to get up at 6.30 am!

Dunno if I'll get to post in you'll probably read me in two weeks time!
