Thursday, January 12, 2006

How ****ing close I got to a first...

Dear all,

I received an answer to my question concerning my degree results from Mr Alan Riach, the head of the Scottish Literature department:

"The final marks as entered and confirmed by the external examiner were: Essay 1, 18. Essay 2, 18. Essay 3, 18. Exam (Early Scot), 16, 16, 16. Exam (1700-1900), 15, 15, 15. Final exam mark: 15.5. Dissertation 18. Overall mark 17.375.
Unfortunately, the last mark falls just below the point at which it would have been rounded up. We did look at individual pieces of work and asked our external examiner to comment. The consistent mark of 18 for the essays was confirmed: 'all the work [in the essays] showed a good engagement with critical perceptions but was also individual and innovative in approach'. The external examiner also commented: 'The dissertation was also a strong piece of work. I didn't feel, however, that either the essays or the dissertation could be raised above the marks awarded.' However, the exam scripts were judged to be 'much weaker'. And as you can see, it was the exam marks that brought the overall mark down in the end."

That means I was 0,125 points away from a first!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

How annoying is that?

Anyway. I am fine. Hope you are too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mariken,

Don't worry too much about it. As far as I can see you did fine!
Have you got a copy of your results?
Anyway I hope you'll not feel too bad about it.

Love, your mum