Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A new, crap year

Dear all,

Sorry for the negative start to the post, but I have received some bad news concerning a family member, and also concerning a collegue of my dad's. Very bad news that I hope will turn out less bad than we all think. They are both in my thoughts. On top of that a dear family friend, to me traditionally referred to as "uncle Kees", passed away last week and the cremation is today. I am sad I cannot attend the cremation, but it would have been logistically impossible. I am there in my thoughts.

Not really the best start to a new year.

I am well thankfully. Work is going ok. I am finding it a challenge, but it has become quite clear to me, what I really already knew, that it is not the job of my dreams. Am keeping half an eye out for exciting opportunities. I do feel like I am doing a job that requires me to think and be independent, which is great. I know I should really not complain.

I had a lovely Christmas at Derek's. It was nice an quiet. Was spoilt of course;). Think everyone was happy with presents I gave them too. The best thing was of course the christmas meal:). Yummy!! Only had 2 mince pies over the holidays: have been very tempted to buy some left over ones;P! I didn't though... good me!

Hogmanay was great too. Went to the Uisge Beatha with Massuda, two of her friends and Derek. The piper was great of course at the bells. Great atmosphere in there. After we went to Simon and Kit's flat for their annual Hogmanay party. Sang Karaoke for hours:)!

New year's resolutions:
- Join the gyn and do more excercise, possibly join a sports club or go to the gym with Meena or Massuda.
- Watch less tv
- Read more
- Start a book column in a local newspaper
- Start a book club
- Join a political party
- Make more friends
- Most importantly: WORRY LESS

Wish you all a wonderful 2006!!


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