Friday, November 26, 2004

My computer's (not so) secret life...

Oh my God... My laptop types by itself in Word now! It doesn't have much of a decent vocabulary yet, it only says "3set" or "qef" and sometimes uses capitals and sometimes doesn't. Maybe it is trying to find itself a girl- of boyfriend?

But seriously. It IS typing by itself. Have tried restarting it, but it still does it! Annoying. I can still type, but just have to delete it's typing every now and then.

Can anybody tell me what the problem could be? I don;t know anything about computers... Thought it might be a virus, but then I've never been on the net with my laptop!



Thursday, November 25, 2004

Blue but happy!

Slightly more creative title for a change:).

My right big toe is blue... a girl stood on it in the QM nearly a month ago, but yesterday I suddenly noticed it was blue under my nail... hmm. Maybe I am turning into a blue monster?

Went to Tennents last night to watch Barcelona-Celtic. 1-1!!!!!!!! Amazing. It felt like they had won in Tennents! Great. My new 'friends' Chris and Andrew (about 38-year old, rich guys: hehe) bought me a beer again. They asked if I want to come out with them one weekend. I don't think so! I mean they are friendly and nice, but not friends. Problem is I will meet them every time I go and watch Celtic in Tennents and they keep asking... what do I say next time? Not sure this "going to the pub on my own to watch the fitba" was a good idea after all. Need to get myself a buddy, or get (ie PAY, hehe) Derek to come with me when he's back.

Uni is ok too. Getting stuck into my essay that's due in 3 weeks. Should meet up with my supervisor next week so that there's pressure on me to do it.

Miss Derek, but only 3.5 weeks to go! Not long at all.


Saturday, November 20, 2004


Also wanted to say that it's my dad's birthday today!

Van Harte Gefeliciteerd! Ik bel je vanavond!



Gee, the titles of these posts get more and more creative every day!

Yesteday afternoon I went to Blairhill (dunno if you spell it like that. Sure hope Blair has nothing to do with it!), where Craig, Fiona's boyfriend lives. We cooked a nice dinner, pasta with spinach, salmon and blue cheese sauce: yummy! The sauce was a bit of a Bridget Hones-moment though, as it was very green from the cheese. It tasted lovely though. The we took a cab to Airdrie to go to the "Rock Garden" to watch some of Craig's friends play. It was fun, and quite good even some of it. The only downside was my migrain and the fact that it was about -5 in there! In the ladies you could see your own breath! Crazy. Aparently the heating engineer was coming in the morning. I was so brave as to complain and I think it was because of me that they got a wee portable heater thing. Was slightly better after that. Few drinks helped also. Only had like 5 (between 9pm and 2am), as my head was killing me. Fiona got pretty wrecked, which was quite funny. She took loads of pics also. One of Craig's friends is exactly like Derek. Very strange. Of course he's not as sexy, sweet, gorgeous, cuddly and funny as Derek, but he did remind me of him a lot. Same sense of style, same sort of hair, soft spoken. Weird!

Craig drove me home this afternoon and I finally got to talk to Derek. Have been a bit of a silly depressive the past couple of days, so it was very good to have a wee chat. Miss him so much... Only 4 weeks to go! I'll be ok...

It is absolutely BALTIC out here. So so so cold. Freezes at night and during the day it is only slightly above zero. BRRRRR. Glad Derek gave me a big scarf for my birthday. Nice and warm.

Booked flights to The Netherlands for me and Derek for January 20-23. Yippy! Gonna have a very, very late Sinterklaas celebration with my brother and parents. Better late than never! Couldn't really afford the flights, but hey, it's worth it. Haven't been home since October after all, and I am already away for both Christmas and Hogmanay.


Not so very AAAHH

Pim Fortuin didn't win the program thing after all:)! Thank God for that. Willem van Oranje (William of Orange) won instead. Would say he meant a lot more for the Netherlands, wouldn't you?


Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I cannot believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pim Fortuin (aye, the Dutch right-wing politician who got murdered in May 2002) has been voted the greatest Dutchman, ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can surely not be serious...

It's a tv-program, and the public got to vote, but still.

I am shocked


Thursday, November 11, 2004


Dear all,

How very unimaginative is my title... Ah well.

Last Wednesday Gerard arrived (for those of you who don't know who that is: he is a French lawyer friend of mine I met two years ago when we lived in the same building in Murano St.).

Had a really good week together. I'll give you the highlights:

On Wednesday night we went to the Loft with Meena. Hadn't eaten there before and it was lovely. During the day on Thursday we went into town for a stroll. Gerard really wanted to go to the Hive, so that's what we did. I like the Hive, but it was so extremely busy in there. We both felt a bit too old for it also. Sad eh? Received great insult when someone in the queue asked me whether I was American, or maybe from Canadia (wherever that may be!). Surely I sound Scottish by now, or at least British!

On Friday we went to the ESE (?) get-together. We had dinner with Emma and the computing-boys (this term is not meant derogatively!) in Bouzy Rouge and went on to a bar. After that me&Gerard went to the Garage where we met up with Fiona and Jemma. Was such a great night! For anyone who thinks they don't like the Garage; try it again. Give it a chance. It's just so much fun! The high point of the evening was a glas of Glenfidich, yes, aye, GLENFIDICH in the Garage! Danced ass of also, which is always good.

On Saturday we decided to go for an alcohol-free night, so we went to the UGC. Wanted to go see "Finding Neverland", about the life in JM Barrie, but it was sold out, so instead we went to see "The Grudge", a remake of a Japanese horror movie. Gerard doesn't seem to be scared by anything, but I was petrified! It was so so scary.

On Sunday we went to the Uisge Beatha for the live music session. Hadn't been since I came back to Glasgow and then realised that I'd really missed it. It's just so gooood. Lovely whisky also.

On Monday we met up with Helene, a girl from Gerard's uni who's doing the same course he did 2 years ago, in Ashoka. She seems really nice, and I hope to meet up with her again one day. She's so French (not in a bad way, just typical)! She reminded me of Marielle.

On Wednesday, Gerard's last day, we went to Jack McFee for fish&chips and then to Tennents for the Old Firm game. We're both Celtic supporters, and so is Emma who joined us, so we were disapponted with the result. It's great though to have fish&chips and watch the fitba with some friends.

Also back onto swimming now. Went to the Stevie together on Sunday and I realised that I had really missed swimming. Will go at least twice a week from now on. That's a promise!

On a very different note: I am very worried about the whole situation in the Netherlands (long story). It seems like a war zone out there! Scary.

Off home now. I'm starving after I went swimming this afternoon also!


Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Dear all,

On Saturday I went to a Halloween party in Kelvinhaugh Gate, with a Chilean friend of mine called Carmen. It was a Murano-style flat party with lots of drunken, predomintantly American and Canadian, students everywhere. Did get to meet a few nice people tho, and had a good night.

I went dressed up as Poison-Ivy, and although I don't look like Uma Thurman at all(sadly), and wasn't wearing a very tight green licra (I would say that isn't advisable for most people and certainly not for me) dress or had dyed my hair bright red, people still recognised me as such. Just used the fake ivy from my rooom and applied green eye-shadow and hair gel.

By the time I wanted to go home I decided I couldn't really walk back in the middle of the night through not the best bits of Glasgow, so I found two guys, who were going to Milngavie, to share a cab with. They wanted to stay for a bit though, and then the taxi took 40mins to by the time I got home it was 3am (and that was after the clocks were turned back!). Was a lot safer that way though.

Only bad thing was a random guy who said who could speak Dutch and consequenlty asked me "wil je met me neuken" (yes it means exactly what you think it does!) while he obviously knew what that meant...sad. Simply replied with "No thanks". Worked.

Have to go now, as will be logged off in 3 mins... Gerard arrives tomorrow afternoon, so will have a lot to tell you next time probably:)!
