Saturday, October 09, 2004

23... and Master of Arts

Dear all,

It's strange to be 23... especially as that means I am now (for a few months anyway) 2 years older than Derek ;). No, of course it feels just as good, or bad, as being 22.

Yesterday I graduated! Yeah! I now officially have a Master of Arts degree! Wierd... I am now just as educated as my dad. So strange to think of it that way. Should I be looking for a job?? Thankfully I have another degree to study for, and even then I might study on...

Me and Dee graduated after one another, which was really special. We've been such good friends for all these years (we met in first year), and finishing with her was great. I was so proud of her when she got her Cum Laude! Fantastic! One of my teachers said I was always the "heart and soul" of the class, whcih was very nice to hear. It's a shame I only knew about graduating like 2 weeks ago, otherwise I would have been able to invite more people...

The party afterwards was very nice. It was more Dee's party than mine, but that was ok. Afterwards I went out to dinner with mum, dad and Jan, at the Mexican on the Poelestraat. Great food and lovely "frozen Margerita", yummy!

Went out the night with Dee, Alan, Jorieke, Theodoor and his new girlfriend. I was missing Derek so so much... Was hard to enjoy myself. Had been looking forward to the night out for so long, and then it was not what I expected. That was my own fault though. It was nice to take the time to talk to Dee and Alan, catch up with what they've been up to.

Wish Derek had been there... It was just one of these important moments in life... You think you won't be moved, but then they hand you the "bul" (degree certificate) and I was ready to burst into tears! Terrible. Know he was there for me in spirit! Can't wait to talk to him properly on Sunday! Fibnally after two weeks of no talking, just texting, and one week of very short way too expensive calls.

I'm off! It's time for my birthday dinner. Mum made "dumpling" for desert: YUMMY!


1 comment:

Steeven said...

Ok bad bad me could not help but notice. I quote: "Yesterday I graduated! Yeah! I now officially have a Master of Arts degree! Wierd... "

Weird indeed. Know it's just a typing mistake but couldn't help laughing like the crazy depressed bad bad cynical guy I am. The Bar exam does that to you.

Congratulations again.