Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I forgot&Easter

I totally forgot to tell you the most important thing that happened when I was in the Netherlands. Ineke was ill! I never got to see her. I was so sad about that. I mean Ineke looks forward to her birhtday for months and everything is planned in advance, etc. etc. And she was looking forward to seeing me so much as well. Thankfully, a "geluk bij een ongeluk" (is there an expression for that in English?) I had forgotten her easter bunny, and Derek, the sweetheart, sent it to her so now she does have a present from me.

On Thursday I went back to Glasgow again. On the train to Zwolle I was thinking: maybe i'll run into Maaike (my best friend from secondary school). In Zwolle I got on the train to Amersfoort. Last minute I decided to get into a different carriage, and when I walked in THERE SHE WAS! That was such a coincidence! I think it was predestined:). Chatted all the way to Amersfoort. She is doing well I think: still together with Joost, she is studying in Utrecht now. So happy to finally see her again. Hope we can stay in touch this time:).

On Thursday Marjolein arrived. First she gave me and Derek a few hourse alone, whcich was sweet:). Had a chat on Thursday night and on Friday we took her on the Glasgow City Tour, whcih is terribly touristy, but really quite good. Friday evening we went for dinner at the Bothy (lovley: I recommend it highly. The men in kilts (and for the boys girls is short tartan skirts) are very yummy too). At night we went to the Counting House, where we met up with Fiona and Craig. After that we went to the Cube together. Not sure I liked that too much... On Saturday we had a very relaxing start to the day, and then we showed Marjo some buildings in the city centre and the Modern Art Gallery. And at night we went to watch Italy-Scotland ( 2-0:(!!!) in Tennents. Marjo left in Sunday and me and Derek went to his. Had a lovely big Easter dinner:). Nice to spend Easter at his!

Yesterday and today I sorted out what I will be revising for my exams and I also e-mailed lots of book shops in Glasgow. I think I'll take up a part-time job as I could really do with the money. It might also give me a chance to get a full-time job in a book shop after I finish. Would like that:). It's not the biggest of carreers,, but I would enjoy it and i can look out for whatever presents itself after that.

Derek had his interview at Agilent today! It went really well! He is on their short-list now, together with his friend Andy who also applied there. Would be so funny if they both end up working there! They should here in late April whether they get a job there. So exciting!

I should really go home now... Off to Liverpool tomorrow to visit Dee:). Look forward to seeing her:).

Back soon!


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Netherlands and blog-problem

Dear all,

Hello from The Netherlands! Been here for 6 days now. Actually starting to miss Glasgow, and miss Derek even more. Nice to be home though: mum's cooking, lots of treats (they spoil me;)).

Visited Susanne on Saturday, which was nice. Her house is starting to take shape now. Hope she gets to celebrate her birhtday there. Apart from that I've not done much really. Felt like a wee holiday, so not done much work either. Nice and relaxing:). Packed just there, so ready to go home tomorrow morning. Bit of a train dilemma: do I take the 7.30am train and arrive way too early at 9.41am, or do I take the 8.30am train, which arrives at 10.41, which means that if I have an hour delay (which is unlikely, but not impossible) I'll probably be at the check in too late...? Not sure yet. Think mum will tell me to take first one, but I don't fancy getting up so early...;)

I've been trying to update my profile for a while now (as Derek left Denmark in December, I wanted to change that bit). I change it, save changes etc. and then the next time I look it's still the blooody same!!!! ARGH! Any tips? Guess just try again later... Sigh.

Gonna make cuppa tea now! Have a nice EASTER !!!


Monday, March 14, 2005

Update attempt no.2

Dear all,

I tried to update my blog last week, but unfortunately the server went down or something and the whole post was lost in cyber space...

The highlight was:

On Tuesday the 8th of March Derek and me celebrated our 1-year anniversary:)! We went to Mimmo's (again, yes) for a nice quiet dinner. Unfortunately the dessert (sticky toffe pudding, but it was more like sticky pudding with toffee sauce) was so sweet that I felt sick for about 2hrs afte dinner... Had a lovely romantic evening and night anyway:).

This weekend I was supposed to be busy with my essay, but Derek came over for the weekend. Had a nice cosy weekend. Did manage to do quite a lot of work in fairly little time, so that the essay is actually nearly finished:)!

On Thursday I'm off to the Netherlands for a week. Visit my parents and I'll also visit Ineke, my former employer, as it's her 40th birthday on Friday. Hope to get to see Susanne's house. It's nearly finished now I think.

The post last week was really long...but not as talkative today... Ah well, I'm sure you can do without all the trivia;).
